PRESS RELEASE: U.S. Support for nuclear technologies improves and saves lives around the world

The United States contributes millions of dollars each year to support the IAEA’s work to promote the safe, secure, and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. Read More»

IAEA BoG – U.S. on Strengthening the Agency’s Activities Related to Nuclear Science, Technology, and Applications

U.S. Statement on Strengthening the Agency’s Activities Related to Nuclear Science, Technology, and Applications, as delivered by Ambassador Jackie Wolcott under Agenda Item 7 at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, Sept. 15, 2020. Read More»

IAEA BoG – U.S. on Strengthening IAEA Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications Activities

U.S. Statement on Strengthening the Agency’s Activities Related to Nuclear Science, Technology, and Applications, as delivered by Ambassador Jackie Wolcott under Agenda Item 4 at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, Mar. 10, 2020. Read More»

USA at the 2020 COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee

USA at the 2020 COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee From Monday, February 3rd, to Friday, February 14th, delegations from around 100 countries gathered in Vienna, Austria for the 57th session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC). The STSC meets for two weeks every year to discuss questions ... Read More»

Media Note: United States reaches $100 million milestone in total contributions to IAEA Peaceful Uses Initiative

The United States reported today in New York that it has exceeded the $100 million milestone of overall U.S. voluntary contributions to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI). This total includes a $560,000 voluntary contribution by the United States announced today to help ensure the IAEA’s new and renovated Nuclear Applications ... Read More»

Media Note: Assistant Secretary Kirsten D. Madison Travel to Vienna, Austria

Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Kirsten D. Madison will lead the U.S. delegation to the High-Level Segment of the 62nd Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), March 14-15, in Vienna, Austria. At the CND, the United States will seek increased national action to control the illicit ... Read More»

U.S. on Nuclear Safety at the IAEA BoG, Agenda Item 2(a) & (b)

Statement under Agenda Item 2(a) and (b): Strengthening the Agency’s Activities Related to Nuclear, Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety: Nuclear Safety Review 2018 and Draft Safety Requirements: Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 2018 Edition. Read More»

Deputy Secretary Brouillette Meets With International Atomic Energy Agency

VIENNA, AUSTRIA – Yesterday, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette visited Vienna, Austria for the first time as Deputy Secretary to meet with leaders of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). U.S. Ambassador to International Organizations in Vienna Jackie Wolcott also participated in the meetings. Read More»

Statement from the President on NASA Day of Remembrance

The loss of the courageous crews from Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia was not in vain. As Americans, our unwavering commitment to continue their heroic journey is unparalleled in the history of human exploration. We will continue to move forward and reach for new heights. We will persevere. And by doing so, we will lead ... Read More»

U.S. National Statement at the opening of the reconvened sixty-first session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Thank you, Madam Chair.  Before I begin my comments on the CND, I would like to note that today is a National Day of Mourning throughout the United States and our embassies and missions around the world, in honor of my country’s 41st President, George H.W. Bush.  I thank those of you who have expressed ... Read More»

U.S. National Statement at the Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting on International Challenges Posed by the Non-Medical Use of Synthetic Opioids

Thank you, Chair, for offering me the floor to speak on such an important topic.  Thank you to the UNODC Secretariat for supporting preparations for this expert meeting, which the Commission requested last year in Resolution 61/8 to learn more about the challenges posed by the non-medical use of synthetic opioids and to propose core ... Read More»

U.S. National Statement at the IAEA Nuclear Science and Technology Ministerial Conference

Nuclear Technical Cooperation: Benefits from the Nonproliferation Regime for the Developing World Distinguished Co-Chairs, Excellencies, and ladies and gentlemen, the United States is pleased to attend this conference, for as we all approach the 50th anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), it is very important to ... Read More»

Press Release: United States Announces $3.18 Million to Support IAEA’s ReNuAL Project and Efforts to Combat Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Dr. Christopher A. Ford, Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Non-Proliferation, announced $3.18 million in new U.S. voluntary contributions to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) today at the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, Austria.  The United States will contribute $1,701,210 to the IAEA’s Renovation ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic

Thank you Madam Chair, The United States thanks Director General Amano for his update and for his continued commitment to ensuring that all outstanding questions regarding Syria’s ongoing safeguards noncompliance are fully addressed. We applaud the DG and Secretariat for their unwavering professionalism in implementing the Agency’s safeguards responsibilities in Syria, despite more than a ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Application of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Thank you, Madam Chair. Since the historic June summit in Singapore between President Trump and Chairman Kim, the United States has been ready to engage the DPRK in the necessary negotiations to achieve the goals set forth in Singapore, including the final, fully verified denuclearization of DPRK. We have approached the DPRK in seriousness and ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Verification and Monitoring in Iran

Madam Chair, The United States welcomes the Director General’s November 12th report on verification and monitoring in Iran. We once again extend our appreciation to the Director General, the Deputy Director General for Safeguards, and their staff for their continued professionalism and dedication in carrying out their responsibilities in Iran. The Secretariat can continue to ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Report of the Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee 2018

Madam Chair, I would like to extend my appreciation to the Friends of the Rapporteur for their work in preparing this year’s Report of the Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee (TACC) for the Board’s approval. The United States appreciated the opportunity to serve as Rapporteur on behalf of the North America Group, and we would ... Read More»

Media Note: Assistant Secretary Kevin E. Moley Travel to Belgium and Austria

Assistant Secretary Kevin E. Moley Travel to Belgium and Austria Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Kevin E. Moley will travel to Brussels, Belgium, and Vienna, Austria from November 14 to November 20.  In Brussels, Assistant Secretary Moley will participate in the Meeting of Executive Managers of International Organizations at the NATO Headquarters. ... Read More»

Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump is Taking Action to End Human Trafficking

PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP IS TAKING ACTION TO END HUMAN TRAFFICKING “My Administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking.” – President Donald J. Trump ENDING HUMAN TRAFFICKING: President Donald J. Trump and his Administration are working to end the scourge of human trafficking, also known as modern slavery. • Today, ... Read More»


THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for being here this morning. It is a great honor to address you on an issue that affects every nation across the globe: the world drug problem. And a big problem it is. The scourge of drug addiction continues to claim too many lives in the United States and in ... Read More»

Remarks by The Hon. Christopher A. Ford at the Vienna Center for Disarmament & Non-Proliferation: “Nonproliferation Lessons Learned”

Good day, everyone, and thank you for the kind introduction, Laura. This being the 50th anniversary of the opening for signature of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), it’s a big year for thinking about the NPT and its future. As we all do that thinking, we at the U.S. State Department have emphasized the importance ... Read More»

VCDNP Seminar Invitation – Non-Proliferation Lessons Learned with Dr. Christopher Ford

The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) cordially invites you to attend a seminar by Dr. Christopher A. Ford, Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation at the U.S. Department of State, entitled “Non-Proliferation Lessons Learned,” followed by a discussion and Q&A. The seminar will be held on Wednesday, 19 September 2018, from 13:15to 14:45 in ... Read More»

Press Release: Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announces $1.1 million contribution to power IAEA labs 

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announces $1.1 million contribution to power IAEA labs  U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced today that the United States will contribute $1,163,090 to fund a new energy center at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear applications laboratories.   Read More»

U.S. National Statement to the 62nd IAEA General Conference

Madam Director, thank you very much. I’d like to begin with a letter that I bring from the President of the United States. I send my greetings to the delegates of the 62nd International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference. The United States strongly supports peaceful nuclear cooperation.  This includes American investments in IAEA programs, ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic

Chair, The United States thanks the Director General for his latest report on the implementation of safeguards in Syria, and for the Secretariat’s continued professionalism in addressing Syria’s longstanding safeguards noncompliance in the face of persistent obstruction by the Assad regime and its patrons. Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Application of Safeguards in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Since this Board last convened, the international community has had reason for cautious optimism concerning the final, fully verified denuclearization of the DPRK, as agreed to by Chairman Kim. The summit meetings between the United States and the DPRK, and the Republic of Korea and the DPRK, opened up new possibilities for a diplomatic resolution ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Implementation of State-level Safeguards Approaches for States under Integrated Safeguards

The United States welcomes the Director General’s clear and concise report on the Implementation of State-level Safeguards Approaches for States under Integrated Safeguards – Experience Gained and Lessons Learned (GOV/2018/20), as well as the Secretariat’s technical briefing for Member States last month on this same matter.  The Director General’s report fully responds to the request ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Verification and Monitoring in Iran

The United States welcomes the Director General’s August 30 report on verification and monitoring in Iran. We once again extend our appreciation to the Director General, the Deputy Director General for Safeguards, and their staff, for their continued professionalism and dedication in carrying out their responsibilities in Iran. The Director General’s thorough and professional reporting ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Strengthening the Agency’s Activities related to Nuclear Science, Technology, and Applications

The United States thanks the Secretariat for its useful report on the IAEA’s activities related to nuclear science, technology, and applications in 2017. We look forward to the November 2018 Nuclear Science and Technology Ministerial Conference, an event that will allow the Agency to highlight the successes mentioned in the DG’s report and to identify ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Nuclear Security

The IAEA’s Division of Nuclear Security continues to provide critical assistance to Member States and plays a central role in coordinating international efforts to strengthen nuclear security worldwide. The 2018 Nuclear Security Report clearly demonstrates how much work one division can accomplish in assisting Member States to access the many benefits of peaceful uses of ... Read More»

U.S. Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors: Measures to Strengthen International Cooperation in Nuclear, Radiation, Transport & Waste Safety

The United States takes this opportunity to thank the Director General and the Secretariat for the Agency’s accomplishments in the field of nuclear safety.  We endorse the Secretariat’s recommendation that the Board of Governors consider and take note of this report. Read More»
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