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DDIR Innovation Awards

2017 marked the inaugural year for the DDIR Innovation Awards program. The program provides seed money to stimulate innovative, high-impact research, and to foster collaborations. The program offers intramural investigators three types of award - a program project award for a team of 3 to 5 independent investigators, a center/facility award, and an award for collaborations with extramural investigators or industry. In 2017, we particularly welcomed proposals in the scientific fields that were identified as priorities as part of the intramural long-term planning process (inflammatory diseases, cell-based therapies, microbiome, drug resistance, neuroscience, RNA biology and therapeutics, vaccines, natural products, and animal modeling), but other topics were also considered. The program made 25 awards to intramural investigators, ranging from $48,000 to $750,000 each, with a total of $6.9 million dollars awarded.

The page was last updated on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 3:02pm