Speeches & Interviews

Speeches & Interviews

Mr. Vice President and Members of the Council, thank you for allowing me to update you on the threats we face in space, and how the Intelligence Community is taking unprecedented action in order to increase the effectiveness of our national security space enterprise and respond to the President’s new National Space Policy.

In honor of Women’s History Month, ODNI.gov sat down with Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Sue Gordon, the highest ranking woman serving in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the men and women of the Intelligence Community work in every part of the world, dedicated to one mission – to keep America and her interests safe. Their mission is guided by faith in the IC’s core principles: To seek the truth. And when we find that truth, to speak the truth.

Earlier this week, Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats conducted a briefing with press on Russia’s violation of the INF Treaty.  Please see below for his opening statement, as prepared for delivery.

Thank you, Attorney General Sessions for your kind introduction. It is an honor to join you today and to be a part of this veteran’s appreciation ceremony.

Our top-notch intelligence collection tells me this is the 7th year running that you have held this event at the Department of Justice – which I think is a wonderful way to honor the more than 28,000 veterans (25% of DOJ workforce) that work across the DOJ.

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