Security and Resiliency Guide: Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Concepts, Common Goals, and Available Assistance

Front cover of the Security and Resiliency Guide for Countering Improvised Explosive DevicesThe Security and Resiliency Guide: Counter-IED Concepts, Common Goals, and Available Assistance (SRG C-IED) is intended to assist stakeholders to plan and implement C-IED activities within their overall public safety and emergency management approach. The SRG C-IED builds off foundational guidance by providing details specific to countering IEDs, including IED risk information and a series of common C-IED goals and associated tasks, derived from U.S. C-IED policy and input from subject matter experts. In general, entire communities, individual organizations, and specific facility owner/operators can strengthen security and resilience for IEDs by using this guide to:

  • Understand the IED risk landscape in the U.S. and your locale, including the essential characteristics of IEDs and IED incidents;
  • Apply common IED-specific security and resiliency goals and tasks designed to prevent incidents from occurring, protect people and infrastructure, and help respond and recover safely; and
  • Leverage available U.S. Government programs to build and sustain preparedness, for example through technical assistance and grant programs in the areas of training, information sharing, planning, exercises, personnel, and equipment.


Stakeholders can use the SRG C-IED in specific ways, such as to:

  • Conduct risk and capability analysis (including Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)) that considers IED risks. Understanding how an IED threat may manifest in a community or potential target location helps stakeholders, including owner/operators or public safety planners, assess preparedness needs and drive capability development.
  • Develop or enhance an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) with IED incident-specific information. EOPs define the scope of public safety and emergency management preparedness activities necessary for an entire government jurisdiction, within an organization, or at a specific facility.
  • Take action to enhance security and resilience for IED incidents at a facility or venue. This may include the development of facility-specific IED incident EOP, preparedness improvement plan, or employee training.
  • Develop a security plan for a special event. Special events can stress the resources of a jurisdiction, organization, or specific facility. Coordinating physical protective measures, screening, and search and detection techniques with local authorities into a comprehensive security strategy reduces site vulnerabilities and strengthens protection of event participants.
  • Provide personal security guidance to personnel, employees, visitors, or patrons. Some C-IED activities are appropriate for anyone, such as reporting suspicious activity and responding safely to a bomb threat, suspicious item, or IED detonation.


Front covers of the five annexes to the SRG C-IEDThe SRG C-IED also has five accompanying annexes that provide stakeholders with a practical framework to examine and strengthen the ability to perform C-IED activities specifically applicable to specific industries. Annexes include:

  • Healthcare and Public Health Facility—Hospitals, outpatient centers, clinics, and medical offices that deliver essential healthcare and public health services to support effective emergency preparedness and response to significant hazards;
  • Lodging—Nongaming resorts, hotels and motels, hotel-based conference centers, and bed-and-breakfast establishments that provide travel accommodations generally for short-term stays;
  • Outdoor Events—Entities that provide the public with a place to meet and gather in outdoor spaces for the purposes of entertainment, education, and recreation (ex. fairgrounds, festivals, theme parks, amusement parks, parades, and marathons);
  • Public Assembly—Arenas, convention centers, auditoriums, cultural properties, movie theaters, and other assets where large numbers of people meet for the purpose of professional education, meeting/gathering, and entertainment; and
  • Sports Leagues and Venues—Sports leagues and teams that use stadiums, arenas, and motor racetracks where people meet for the purpose of viewing sports events.


The SRG C-IED and annexes can help start or continue a conversation on bombing prevention between leadership, security managers, and staff, empowering all members of an organization to play a role in security. To engage CISA in a discussion on how to increase preparedness to prevent, mitigate, and respond to bombing incidents, please contact or to be connected to a local Protective Security Advisor (PSA).

Download the Security and Resiliency Guide Fact Sheet to learn more.

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