Digital Coast Fellowship

Note: The Coastal Management Fellowship Program is taking a pause for 2021 and will not be placing a class of fellows this year. The NOAA Office for Coastal Management is committed to this fellowship program and we look forward to being up and running again in 2022. If you have questions, please contact

The NOAA Digital Coast Fellowship was established in 2012 to provide on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for postgraduate students and to provide technical assistance to help advance the goals of the Digital Coast and its partner organizations. Up to three fellows are placed with Digital Coast Partner organizations every other year, in the even years. The program matches postgraduate students to work on projects proposed by a Digital Coast Partner organization and selected by the fellowship sponsor, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management. This two-year opportunity offers a competitive salary, medical benefits, and travel and relocation expense reimbursement. The program also provides fellows with professional mentoring and training.

Placement for the Digital Coast fellowship positions is fully integrated into the placement process with the state coastal zone management programs. Candidates will apply to the Coastal Management and Digital Coast Fellowship program as a whole, and selected candidates will be eligible to interview with both the state coastal programs and the Digital Coast partnership organizations at the fellowship matching workshop.

2020-2022 Digital Coast Fellowship Projects

Location Host Agency Project Proposal Project Goal
Madison, Wisconsin Association of State Floodplain Managers and Coastal States Organization Mitigating Multiple Loss Properties: Guidance and Training for Coastal Communities (PDF) Work nationally to support coastal communities to tackle one of the greatest challenges to reducing flood damages and costs in a changing climate—repeatedly flooded properties—through research, guidance development, and direct technical assistance.
Prudence Island, Rhode Island National Estuarine Research Reserve Association at Narragansett Bay Research Reserve Building Our National Capacity to Protect Coastal Wetland Migration Pathways: Assessing Stakeholder Needs and Creating Transferable Communications Tools (PDF) Characterize the needs for coastal wetland migration pathway information, identify preferred tools and communication approaches, and develop best available wetland pathway data and tools.
Florida Keys, Florida The Nature Conservancy Building Capacity to Use Existing Digital Coast Tools and Resources for Implementing Nature-Based Solutions after a Major Hurricane (PDF) Plan and implement nature-based solutions to reduce risk in two regions of the Southeast United States that have been recently impacted by hurricanes: the Florida Panhandle and the Carolinas Coastal Plain.