Research Grants at NSIDC

NSIDC scientists are known internationally for their expertise in a range of fields related to the cryosphere. In-house scientists investigate the dynamics of Antarctic ice shelves, monitor the links between Arctic sea ice and climate, study new techniques for the remote sensing of snow and freeze/thaw cycles of soil, account for snow in hydrologic modeling, research large-scale shifts in polar climate, investigate seasonally and permanently frozen ground, and work to improve understanding of river and lake ice. Browse the table below to view project summaries.

Scientists pursue their work as part of the CIRES Cryospheric and Polar Processes Division, at the University of Colorado at Boulder. National agencies fund research through the peer review proposal process.

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Arctic Peoples
Title Principal investigator
Collaborative Research: Linking Maps, Manuscripts, and Place Names Data to Improve Environmental Knowledge in Alaska

Peter Pulsifer

Collaborative Research: Water, Energy, and Food Security in the North: Synergies, Tradeoffs, and Building Community Capacity for Sustainable Futures (Sustainable Futures North)

Shari Fox

Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA)

Peter Pulsifer

Igliniit Project

Shari Fox

The Dynamics of Human-Sea Ice Relationships: Comparing Changing Environments in Alaska, Nunavut, and Greenland

Shari Fox

Arctic Hydrology and Climate
Title Principal investigator
An Innovative Network to Improve Sea Ice Prediction in a Changing Arctic

Julienne Stroeve

Arctic Rain on Snow Study

Mark Serreze

Collaborative Research: Assessing the Impact of Arctic Sea Ice Variability on the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass and Energy Balance

Julienne Stroeve

Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs): Antarctic and Greenland Ice Velocity

Ted Scambos

Remotely-Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Product Derived from InSAR Data over North American Arctic Region

Kevin Schaefer

Antarctic Glaciology and Climate
Title Principal investigator
Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System

Ted Scambos

Antarctic Sub-glacial Lakes: Satellite Image Analysis in Support of ICESat-1 and CryoSat-2 Altimetry

Ted Scambos

Detecting Change in Glacier Systems (GLIMS)

Richard Armstrong

Development of Automated Measurement Systems for Remote Geophysical Observations in the Polar Regions

Ted Scambos

Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs): Antarctic and Greenland Ice Velocity

Ted Scambos

Surface Mass Balance and Wind Glaze Mapping in Antarctica

Ted Scambos

The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center: Continued Data Collection, Archiving, and Distribution of Results of NSF-OPP Funded Research in Antarctic Glaciology

Ted Scambos

Water on the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Quantifying Surface Melt and Mapping Supraglacial Lakes

Allen Pope

Climate Change in the Cryosphere
Title Principal investigator
Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System

Ted Scambos

An Innovative Network to Improve Sea Ice Prediction in a Changing Arctic

Julienne Stroeve

Arctic Rain on Snow Study

Mark Serreze

CHARIS - Contribution to High Asia Runoff from Ice and Snow

Richard Armstrong

Collaborative Research: The Climatic Role of Permafrost- As permafrost thaws, could a weakening terrestrial freezer and an increasingly leaky bathplug amplify Arctic climate change?

Andrew Slater

Development of Automated Measurement Systems for Remote Geophysical Observations in the Polar Regions

Ted Scambos

The Dynamics of Human-Sea Ice Relationships: Comparing Changing Environments in Alaska, Nunavut, and Greenland

Shari Fox

Glaciers and Ice Sheets
Title Principal investigator
Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System

Ted Scambos

Achieving Global Coverage of the Multi-Temporal Glacier Map (GLIMS)

Bruce Raup

Collaborative Research: Assessing the Impact of Arctic Sea Ice Variability on the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass and Energy Balance

Julienne Stroeve

Detecting Change in Glacier Systems (GLIMS)

Richard Armstrong

Development of Automated Measurement Systems for Remote Geophysical Observations in the Polar Regions

Ted Scambos

Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs): Antarctic and Greenland Ice Velocity

Ted Scambos

Frozen Ground
Title Principal investigator
Collaborative Research: The Climatic Role of Permafrost- As permafrost thaws, could a weakening terrestrial freezer and an increasingly leaky bathplug amplify Arctic climate change?

Andrew Slater

Exploring the Dynamics of High Latitude Carbon Balance

Kevin Schaefer

Exploring the Dynamics of the Active Layer and Near-Surface Permafrost across the North Slope of Alaska

Kevin Schaefer

Quantifying Uncertainty in the Permafrost Carbon Feedback

Kevin Schaefer

Remotely-Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Product Derived from InSAR Data over North American Arctic Region

Kevin Schaefer

The North American Carbon Program Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project

Kevin Schaefer

Sea Ice
Title Principal investigator
An Innovative Network to Improve Sea Ice Prediction in a Changing Arctic

Julienne Stroeve

Collaborative Research: Assessing the Impact of Arctic Sea Ice Variability on the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass and Energy Balance

Julienne Stroeve

Evaluation of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice

Julienne Stroeve

The Dynamics of Human-Sea Ice Relationships: Comparing Changing Environments in Alaska, Nunavut, and Greenland

Shari Fox

Remote Sensing and Algorithm Development
Title Principal investigator
Cryospheric Applications of Landsat 8

Ted Scambos

Carbon Cycle
Title Principal investigator
Exploring the Dynamics of High Latitude Carbon Balance

Kevin Schaefer

Quantifying Uncertainty in the Permafrost Carbon Feedback

Kevin Schaefer

The North American Carbon Program Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project

Kevin Schaefer

Data Management
Title Principal investigator
Cryospheric Applications of Landsat 8

Ted Scambos

Detecting Change in Glacier Systems (GLIMS)

Richard Armstrong

Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA)

Peter Pulsifer

Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs): Antarctic and Greenland Ice Velocity

Ted Scambos

The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center: Continued Data Collection, Archiving, and Distribution of Results of NSF-OPP Funded Research in Antarctic Glaciology

Ted Scambos

Title Principal investigator
EarthCube Building Blocks: A Broker Framework for Next Generation Geoscience (BCube)

Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa

Managing Cryospheric Remote Sensing Data Entirely Within a Pure-object Database

David Gallaher

Virtualized Quality Screening Service: Improving the Application of Data Quality Information in Accessing and Using Satellite Data

Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa