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  • @fecgov + Personal Projects
  • Washington, D.C.


  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor



Popular repositories

  1. Forked from fecgov/openFEC-web-app

    The betaFEC web app for exploring campaign finance data

    HTML 1

  2. this is a test


  3. Forked from uscensusbureau/citysdk

    User-friendly javascript SDK for US Census Bureau data, including simple integrations to facilitate mash-up of other open datasets.


  4. Forked from fecgov/fec-cms

    The content management system (CMS) for the new Federal Election Commission website.


  5. Forked from fecgov/FEC

    A general discussion forum for betaFEC. This is the best place to submit general feedback.

  6. Forked from WRadigan/pySpot-It

    Python module for generating PDF files of Spot-It like number sets.


574 contributions in the last year

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mon Wed Fri

Contribution activity

December 2020

Created a pull request in fecgov/fec-cms that received 1 comment

Add leadership PAC sponsor filter to committees datatable

Summary Resolves #4061 Add Leadership PAC sponsor filter only to committees datatable. Impacted areas of the application List general components …

+9 −2 1 comment
Reviewed 13 pull requests in 5 repositories

Created an issue in fecgov/fec-cms that received 6 comments

Create design for audit report landing pages

Summary What we're after: Create a design for the audit report landing pages that will be based on existing templates for easier migration. Audit r…

1 of 2 6 comments

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