2013 EQIP On-Farm Energy Initiative

NRCS can help install special controls to help reduce farm energy needs.
Through the EQIP On-Farm Energy Initiative, the NRCS is able to assist producers to install special controls that help manage and reduce the energy needs for existing irrigation pumps. These devices allow growers to control the speed of electric pump motors to meet peak energy demands and still meet crop needs.

The EQIP On-Farm Energy Initiative enables the producer to identify ways to conserve energy on the farm through two types of Agricultural Energy Management Plans (AgEMP) for headquarters and/or for landscape, also known as an on-farm energy audit (headquarters and/or landscape); and by providing financial and technical assistance to help the producer implement various measures and practices recommended in these on-farm energy audits.

Who Is Eligible To Apply?

Eligible applicants include individuals, legal entities, Indian Tribes, or joint operations engaged in agricultural production. Producers who grow agricultural commodities on eligible land and have resource concerns which may be addressed by energy conservation may participate in EQIP’s On-Farm Energy Initiative.

Detailed information on EQIP eligibility is available on the EQIP homepage.

How To Apply

To initiate an application, producers should work through their local NRCS office. NRCS staff will work with the program applicant to develop a conservation plan and an EQIP plan of operations. This plan becomes the basis of the EQIP contract between NRCS and the producer.

NRCS may also provide financial assistance to participants for on-farm energy conservation planning services through a Technical Service Provider (TSP) to develop Conservation Activity Plans (CAP). NRCS issued technical criteria for 16 CAPs for 2013. (PDF, 48KB) The following two CAPs are for energy conservation: Agricultural Energy Management Plans Headquarters 122 (PDF, 311KB) and Landscape 124 (PDF, 50KB).

NRCS accepts and processes EQIP applications on a continuous basis. However, each state may establish deadlines for one or more application periods in which to consider eligible applications for funding. Applications submitted after these dates will be evaluated and considered for funding during later funding opportunities. Producers must submit a complete program application and other documentation to support eligibility to be considered for financial assistance through EQIP.

Information about how to apply for assistance through EQIP, as well as deadlines specific to the available application periods for each state is available online. Click on the state where the property that you are interested in enrolling in EQIP is located. This will take you to that State’s Programs home page, which will link to the State’s EQIP page.