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About the Paleoclimatology Program

NCDC's Paleoclimatology Branch is the world's largest archive of climate and paleoclimatology data. The Paleoclimatology Branch operates the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, an Applied Research Center for Paleoclimatology, and partners with national and international science initiatives around the world to expand the use of paleoclimatology data.


To provide the paleoclimatology data and information needed to understand and model inter-annual to centennial-scale environmental variability.

  • What is Paleoclimatology?
    Learn more about the science of paleoclimatology and how scientists use environmental recorders to reconstruct past climate.
  • World Data Center for Paleoclimatology
    The World Data Center for Paleoclimatology is a member of the World Data System, a system that houses a wide range of solar, geophysical, environmental, and human dimensions data, and it is the only World Data Center devoted to paleoclimatology data.
  • Applied Research Center for Paleoclimatology
    The Applied Research Center for Paleoclimatology provides high-quality paleoclimatology data products, particularly those datasets that serve a broad range of users and contain long-term value for a variety of national and international initiatives and assessments.
  • Milestones and Recognition
    Since 1992, the Paleoclimatology Program has worked hard to catalyze the international effort to utilize paleoenvironmental data to improve our understanding of earth climate variability.These efforts have resulted in a variety of awards, achievements and milestones.
  • Program Staff
    The Paleoclimatology Program staff consists of two teams: the Science Team that provides expert guidance and conducts research and the Data Management Team that acquires and documents datasets and conducts programming and analysis to produce data and information products.
  • Visitors
    NCDC's Paleoclimatology Program has wide variety of visitors that provide expert guidance, conduct original research using NOAA data, and contribute paleoclimatology data to the archive.