
Oversight Reports

In performing our mandated oversight function, the VA OIG conducts investigations, audits, and healthcare inspections to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in VA activities, and to detect and deter criminal activity, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. The results of our efforts are published in our oversight reports, which are available on our Oversight Reports page.

The Types of Oversight Reports We Publish

Audit, Review, and Evaluation Reports

Assess the performance and management of a program. Audits follow the Government Accountability Office's, Government Auditing Standards. Reviews and Evaluations follow the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s, Quality Standards for Inspections and Evaluations. View Audit, Review and Evaluation Reports

Benefit Inspection Reports

Benefits Inspection Reports focus on claims processing and Veterans Service Center operations. Inspections follow the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency’s, Quality Standards for Inspections. View Benefit Inspection Reports

Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection Program (CHIP) Reports

CHIP reviews are part of the OIG's overall efforts to ensure that our nation’s veterans receive high-quality VA healthcare services. The reviews focus on key clinical and administrative processes and are performed approximately every three years for each facility. View CHIP Reports. CHIP reviews replaced the OIG’s Clinical Assessment Program and Community Based Outpatient Clinic reviews.

Healthcare Inspection Reports

Healthcare Inspection Reports detail results of both individual investigations into the facts surrounding allegations made against VHA employees in the discharge of their clinical duties, as referred to the Office of Healthcare Inspections by VA OIG’s Hotline Division, or summary results of broader clinical reviews initiated by VA OIG’s Office of Healthcare Inspections, to examine the quality of medical services delivery on a systemic level throughout the VHA’s hospital infrastructure. View Healthcare Inspection Reports

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