A Collaborative National Center for Fusion & Plasma Research

Outreach Efforts

Excitement about plasmas and fusion comes alive when members of PPPL go out into the community or invite the public inside to sample the world of fusion research. The Laboratory has a variety of portable and at-home scientific demonstrations, laboratories and experiments that explain the beauty and wonder of science, fusion, and plasmas. The Laboratory hosts Open Houses and exhibits at local, regional, and national events such as Communiversity and the American Physical Society’s Plasma Sciences Expo. PPPL hosts tours for school groups, professional societies, and neighbors, and PPPL scientists and engineers visit K-12 classrooms in the region to talk about plasma physics, fusion energy, and related topics, and to conduct hands-on science activities. 

U.S. Department of Energy
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory managed by Princeton University.

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Princeton University
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
P.O. Box 451
Princeton, NJ 08543-0451
GPS: 100 Stellarator Road
Princeton, NJ, 08540
(609) 243-2000