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Your Environment. Your Health.

Coronavirus Updates from NIEHS

COVID-19 Pandemic Vulnerability Index (PVI)

Environmental Factor Article
Climate Change, COVID-19 a Double Whammy for Vulnerable Populations - 11/1/2020
Extreme weather can worsen health problems for poor communities and minority groups battling COVID-19, said experts at NIEHS event.

Lesson Plans
COVID-19 PVI Lessons Plans - 10/6/2020
Examining Risk Factors Associated With COVID-19 Using the Pandemic Vulnerability Index.

Environmental Factor Article
Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Likely, Say Experts - 10/1/2020
National Academies workshop brings clarity to a key question underpinning the global pandemic’s spread.

Environmental Factor Article
COVID-19 Research Funding Targets Role of Genes, Environment - 10/1/2020
NIEHS and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases seek to understand why some people are more vulnerable to the disease.

Environmental Factor Article
NIEHS Pandemic Vulnerability Tool a Hit in Wake County School - 10/1/2020
New lesson plans enhance students’ critical thinking skills by encouraging them to assess various COVID-19 risk factors.

Environmental Factor Article
SARS-CoV-2 Blocked by Newly Discovered Nanobodies — From a Llama - 10/1/2020
Antibody fragments that blocked the novel coronavirus from entering human cells show promise for treating COVID-19, yet need more study.

Environmental Factor Article
Computational Modeling Identifies Drug Candidates for SARS-CoV-2 - 10/1/2020
Scientists from the Division of the National Toxicology Program and their collaborators used computational modeling to probe databases and identify existing drugs that could be repurposed to fight SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Environmental Factor Article
COVID-19 Safety Plan Brought All Hands on Deck at NIEHS - 10/1/2020
Behind-the-scenes efforts ensured employees can return safely to work and have resulted in zero on-site transmissions.

Partnerships for Environmental Public Health
New Story Map Shows COVID-19 Disparities Along Racial and Ethnic Lines - 9/1/2020
A new interactive story map developed by NIEHS-funded researchers sheds light on how certain Los Angeles communities are faring in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Environmental Factor Article
Sleep Well During the Pandemic - 9/1/2020
Jackson shared practical tips for getting adequate, restful sleep during the pandemic on the NIH #CopingWithCOVID19 livestream series.

Environmental Factor Article
Pandemic Preparedness Requires Weather, Health Data, Experts Say - 9/1/2020
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists discussed how to bolster infectious disease modeling during an NIEHS webinar.

Environmental Factor Article
NIEHS Supports Workers With Essential COVID-19 Training - 9/1/2020
Health care professionals and vulnerable populations benefit from targeted education.

Environmental Factor Article
Virtual COVID-19 Education Reaches U.S. and International Students - 9/1/2020
An NIEHS grant recipient started a new teaching series at Johns Hopkins University that helps youth protect themselves and others.

Global Environmental Health Article
COVID-19 Recovery Plans Should Put Children First, Experts Say - 8/1/2020
A new commentary from the World Health Organization (WHO)-UNICEF-Lancet Commission highlights the impacts of COVID-19 on children and calls for putting children at the center of recovery plans.

Environmental Factor Article
COVID-19 Antibody Study Launched by NIEHS - 8/1/2020
Year-long research project seeks much-needed information about antibodies from SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Environmental Factor Article
COVID-19 Testing Technologies Boosted by New Funding - 8/1/2020
NIH supports diagnostic test research, including $1 million to NIEHS scientists Oswaldo Lozoya and Douglas Bell.

Environmental Factor Article
NIEHS Biomedical Career Symposium Attracts National Audience - 8/1/2020
Early-career scientists gained insight from leaders in industry, government, and academia during the virtual event.

Environmental Factor Article
NIEHS Employees Unite to Support Food Drive - 8/1/2020
Annual food drive goes virtual, meeting needs greater than ever, during coronavirus pandemic.

Environmental Factor Article
Teachers Take Virtual Tour of NIEHS, Brainstorm COVID-19 Lesson Plans - 8/1/2020
The institute hosted 55 educators from Wake County, North Carolina, as part of the annual SummerSTEM program.

Join an NIEHS Study
COVID-19 Antibody Detection Study - 7/1/2020
This yearlong study will test adult volunteers for antibodies in their blood that indicate exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Superfund Research Program Science Digest
Director's Letter - 6/1/2020
The spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created uncertainty and strained our communities, businesses, and workplaces.

Environmental Factor Article
COVID-19 Research Grants Get Rapid NIEHS Funding - 5/1/2020
New opportunities for scientists to study how the environment may affect health outcomes related to the disease.

Environmental Factor Article
NIEHS Scientists Join the Fight Against COVID-19 - 5/1/2020
Across the institute, researchers are lending their expertise to the fight against the novel coronavirus.

Environmental Factor Article
COVID-19 Researchers Gain Quick Access to Surveys, Protocols - 5/1/2020
Ready access to survey questionnaires, study protocols, and other resources makes for quick study launch and more consistent data.

Environmental Factor Article
NIEHS Cryo-EM Resources Support Fight Against Novel Coronavirus - 4/1/2020
NIEHS research on the virus aims to reveal structures suitable for targeted development of potential vaccines and treatments.

Environmental Factor Article
Protecting Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak - 4/1/2020
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NIEHS Worker Training Program showcased strategies to protect frontline workers, during a virtual workshop.

Press Release
COVID-19 Workers Get Training to Protect Their Own Health - 3/23/2020
NIEHS Worker Training Program is creating a COVID-19 virtual safety training initiative for frontline responders including emergency medical personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers, environmental cleanup workers, high-risk custodial service workers, food processing and delivery workers, water and sewage treatment workers, sanitation workers, and health care facility employees.

WTP Workshop
Protecting Infectious Disease Responders During the COVID-19 Outbreak - 3/17/2020

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