FTC Issues Call for Research Presentations for PrivacyCon 2021

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For Release

The Federal Trade Commission issued a call for research on a wide range of privacy and security issues as part of its sixth annual PrivacyCon event, which will take place July 27, 2021.

PrivacyCon 2021 Logo

PrivacyCon 2021 will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, including researchers, academics, industry representatives, consumer advocates, and government regulators, to discuss the latest research and trends related to consumer privacy and data security.

The FTC is seeking empirical research and demonstrations on such issues as:

  • The nature and evolution of privacy and security risks;
  • Privacy and security issues related to working from home;
  • The costs and benefits of privacy and security;
  • Effectiveness of consumer privacy and security disclosures:
  • Algorithmic bias and ensuring fairness in algorithmic use; and
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies for consumers.

More details and information on how to submit presentations can be found on the event page The deadline for submitting a presentation for PrivacyCon 2021 is April 9, 2021.

The event is free, open to the public, and will be webcast on the FTC’s website at www.ftc.gov.

Contact Information

Media Contact: 
Office of Public Affairs
Staff Contact: 
Jamie Hine
Bureau of Consumer Protection