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Data Collection: Census of Jail Inmates
Status: Active
Frequency: 2005
Latest data available: 2005

The 2005 Census of Jail Inmates is part of a series of data collection efforts aimed at studying the nation's locally-administered jails. To reduce respondent burden and improve data quality and timeliness, the Census was split into two data collections: the Census of Jail Inmates and the Census of Jail Facilities. The Census of Jail Inmates (CJI) collects data on jail jurisdictions' supervised populations, inmate counts and movements, and persons supervised in the community.

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The Census included all locally administered confinement facilities under the authority of 2,853 jurisdictions. It also included 42 private and 65 multi-jurisdiction jails. Excluded were temporary holding faciliites and state-operated facilities in CN, DE, HI, RI, and VT which operate combined jail-prison systems.Fourteen locally-operated jails in Alaska were included.

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Changes Over Time

The questionnaire is modified with each iteration to capture information on evolving issues in criminal justice and topics of greatest interest to users.

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Publications & Products

The following publications and products were generated by BJS using data from this collection.

Number of inmates in State prisons and local jails per 100,000 residents, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin, June 30, 2005 Table 14 from Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2005
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Number of inmates in custody of State or Federal prisons Table 12 from Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2005
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Correctional Populations in the United States, 1997 Presents data on the growing number of persons in the United States under some form of correctional supervision in 1997.
  Full Report (PDF 1.3M) | Full Report - Text only (ASCII file 36K) | Section 1. Trends in U.S. correctional populations (PDF 141K) | Section 1. Trends in U.S. correctional populations - Zip format (Spreadsheet 77K) | Section 2. Jail inmates in 1997 (PDF 122K) | Section 2. Jail inmates in 1997 - Zip format (Spreadsheet 22K) | Section 3. Probation in 1997 (PDF 200K) | Section 3. Probation in 1997 - Zip format (Spreadsheet 64K) | Section 4. Survey of State and Federal inmates, 1997 (PDF 160K) | Section 4. Survey of State and Federal inmates, 1997 - Zip format (Spreadsheet 78K) | Section 5. Prisoners in 1997 (PDF 507K) | Section 5. Prisoners in 1997 - Zip format (Spreadsheet 176K) | Section 6. Parole in 1997 (PDF 193K) | Section 6. Parole in 1997 - Zip format (Spreadsheet 49K) | Section 7. Capital Punishment in 1997 (PDF 373K) | Section 7. Capital Punishment in 1997 - Zip format (Spreadsheet 83K) | Section 8. U.S. military corrections in 1997 (PDF 134K) | Section 8. U.S. military corrections in 1997 - Zip format (Spreadsheet 27K) | Codebooks and Datasets
Part of the Correctional Populations in the United States Series

Correctional Populations in the United States, 1988 Data on U.S. correctional populations for 1989 cover jail inmates, prison inmates, probationers, parolees, and inmates under a death sentence.
  PDF (6.4M)
Part of the Correctional Populations in the United States Series

Correctional Populations in the United States, 1987 A growing proportion of all persons in the United States are under some form of correctional supervision whether it be probation, jail, prison, or parole.
Part of the Correctional Populations in the United States Series

Drunk Driving This report examines trends in arrests for driving under the influence (DUI) and provides a detailed picture of drunk drivers held in local jails in 1983 for driving while intoxicated (DWI).

Correctional Populations in the United States, 1985 This statistical report on correctional populations in the United States for 1985 is a consolidation of data collected in various statistical programs currently maintained by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Part of the Correctional Populations in the United States Series

Census of Jails, 1978, Volume 1 - Data for Individual Jails in the Northeast Volume I of this report presents data from the 1978 Census of Jails and its companion Survey of Jail Inmates for the 207 jails in the northeast region; it is part of a series of reports on 3,493 county and city jails covered by the 1978 census.
Part of the Census of Jails Series

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