Permanent Digitization Regulations Ready for Review and Update on Transition Activity

We wanted to share two important updates from our office.  First, we wanted to call attention to the proposed digitization regulations for permanent records which were posted on the Federal Register for public review and comment.  Comments are due on or before February 1, 2021. To make a comment, please follow the instructions in the … Continue reading Permanent Digitization Regulations Ready for Review and Update on Transition Activity

FRMC Digitization Cost Benefit Analysis Tools

The following is a guest post by Tammy Hudson, DHS Records Officer on behalf of the Federal Records Management Council. The Federal Records Management Council (FRMC) is a NARA-sponsored group of agency records officers that meet regularly to discuss records management challenges common to all agencies. A subcommittee of the FRMC worked independently to examine … Continue reading FRMC Digitization Cost Benefit Analysis Tools

Regulations with Digitization Standards for Temporary Records Issued

On April 10, 2019, we published on the Federal Register, the revised electronic records management regulation (final rule) found for 36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, Part 1236, Subpart D - Digitizing Temporary Federal Records. This regulation will be effective on May 10, 2019. It provides standards for digitizing and validating temporary Federal records to allow … Continue reading Regulations with Digitization Standards for Temporary Records Issued

Draft Digitization Regulations Out For Comment

On September 10, 2018, we posted our draft regulations for digitizing temporary records on the Federal Register. Instructions for leaving a comment can be found in the posting. Comments will be accepted until November 9, 2018. In tandem, we developed a FAQ document for agencies providing additional information and context about these proposed regulations.