Browse Materials

Chemical Composition  >  Nonferrous Metal
Table # Table Name
102.1 Aluminum Base Alloys (chip and disk forms)
102.2 Cobalt Base Alloys (chip and disk forms)
102.3 Copper Base Alloys (chip and rod forms)
102.4 Copper Base Alloys (block and disk forms)
102.5 Copper "Benchmark" (block, chip and rod forms)
102.10 Lead Base Alloys (disk and powder forms) [150 g units (unless otherwise noted)]
102.11 Lead Base Material (disk form)
102.12 Nickel Base Alloys (chip and disk forms)
102.13 Trace Elements in Nickel Base Superalloys (chip form)
102.14 Nickel Oxides (powder form)
102.15 Tin Base Alloys
102.16 Titanium Base Alloys (chip and disk forms)
102.17 Zinc Base Alloys (chip and disk forms)
102.18 Zirconium Base Alloys (chip form)
102.19 Gases in Metals (platelet form)

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Last updated: 8/15/2012