Data Set ID: 

IceBridge DMS L0 Camera Calibration, Version 1

This data set contains camera calibration reports for IceBridge Digital Mapping System (DMS) missions flown over Antarctica and Greenland.

This is the most recent version of these data.

Version Summary: 

Initial release

BASIC Level of Service

Data: Data integrity verified

Documentation: Key metadata and links to supporting documentation available

User Support: Assistance with data access and basic data usage

See All Level of Service Details

Data Format(s):
  • PDF
Spatial Coverage:
N: 90, 
N: -53, 
S: 60, 
S: -90, 
E: 180, 
E: 180, 
W: -180
W: -180
Platform(s):B-200, C-130, DC-8, G-V, HU-25A, HU-25C, P-3B, WP-3D ORION
Spatial Resolution:Not SpecifiedSensor(s):DMS
Temporal Coverage:
  • 17 September 2009 to 19 April 2018
(updated 2018)
Temporal ResolutionVariesMetadata XML:View Metadata Record
Data Contributor(s):Roseanne Dominguez

Geographic Coverage

Other Access Options

Other Access Options


As a condition of using these data, you must cite the use of this data set using the following citation. For more information, see our Use and Copyright Web page.

Dominguez, R. 2017, updated 2018. IceBridge DMS L0 Camera Calibration, Version 1. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder, Colorado USA. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. doi: [Date Accessed].

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No technical references available for this data set.

How To

Programmatic Data Access Guide
Data from the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (NSIDC DAAC) can be accessed directly from our HTTPS file system or through our Application Programming Interface (API). Our API offers you the ability to order data using specific temporal and spatial filters... read more
Filter and order from a data set web page
Many NSIDC data set web pages provide the ability to search and filter data with spatial and temporal contstraints using a map-based interface. This article outlines how to order NSIDC DAAC data using advanced searching and filtering.  Step 1: Go to a data set web page This article will use the... read more