Transforming USAID’s Programs

Speeches Shim

Each of USAID’s programs should look forward to the day when foreign assistance is no longer necessary — and we must measure our work by how far each investment moves us closer to that day.

A man woodworking with text Transforming Our Programs
  • USAID will support host country partners by prioritizing programs that incentivize reform, strengthen in-country capacity and facilitate locally-led development.
  • USAID’s new Private Sector Engagement Policy will increase our collaboration with the private sector to catalyze sustainable, enterprise-driven development.
  • USAID will elevate financing self-reliance as a key Agency priority to strengthen support for our host country partners in their efforts to finance their own development journey.
  • USAID will reform our program-design and procurement processes to enable more effective co-creation, innovative financing and partnerships with a diverse array of actors.

Transforming Our Programs Fact Sheets and Resources



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Last updated: March 27, 2020

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