Power Office

The Upper Colorado Basin’s Power Office, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, oversees three field offices associated with Colorado River Storage Project hydroelectric power generation facilities: the Glen Canyon Field Division located in Page, Arizona; the Curecanti Field Division in Montrose, Colorado; and the Flaming Gorge Field Division in Dutch John, Utah.

Power Office employees are responsible for operating and maintaining the CRSP hydroelectric powerplants and dams, which include Flaming Gorge on the Green River near Dutch John, Utah; Blue Mesa, Morrow Point, and Crystal on the Gunnison River near Montrose, Colorado; and Glen Canyon on the Colorado River near Page, Arizona. The Power Office also operates and maintains facilities at other Reclamation projects including Fontenelle Dam and powerplant on the Green River near Kemmerer, Wyoming, and the Upper and Lower Molina powerplants near Grand Junction, Colorado. In addition, the Power Office is responsible for ensuring the structural safety and security of all of these powerplants and dams.

Colorado River Storage Project

News and Highlights

  • Photo: Lease of Power Priviledge. Features

    Non-Federal Hydropower Development in the Upper Colorado Region

    Did you know that Reclamation’s Upper Colorado Region is the leading developer of non-federal hydropower on Reclamation Facilities? Reclamation’s Lease of Power Privilege (LOPP) program allows private entities to enter into contracts with the United States to construct and operate private hydropower facilities on many of our Reclamation Facilities. Read More 

Last Updated: 7/9/20