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Please note: Due to browser FTP deprecation, users will no longer be able to access NCEI data via browser FTP clients. Users may access data via NCEI Web Accessible Folders and/or FTP client supported applications. We apologize for any inconvenience. See this document as reference. 

Satellite Data Access by Datasets

Satellite data listed by parameter being observed. Access to long-term, high-quality products is supported by NOAA's Climate Data Record (CDR) Program.

Atmospheric Data

Dataset Description Spatial Information Temporal Information Access
ISCCP Cloud Data The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) provides global cloud information at many resolutions (10 to 110 km) and time scales (3 hourly to monthly) derived from geostationary and polar orbiting satellite instruments. Global; varying resolution 1983–2009 Access Information 

SSMI-SSMIS Hydrological Products

Monthly and pentad averaged SSMI and SSMIS products include precipitation, cloud liquid water, total precipitable water, snow cover, and sea ice extent. These products are useful for evaluating the mean climate state, its interannual and seasonal variations, and the detection of anomalies associated with large-scale (e.g., ENSO, Arctic Oscillation) and regional climatic variations. A time series of the entire SSMI and SSMIS archive includes data from July 1987 to the present. Global; 1 and 2.5 deg Monthly and pentad; 1987–present


GOES Aerosol Smoke Products Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data using GOES visible channel imagery. Available every half hour on a 4 km x 4 km grid over continental United States for GOES-East and GOES-West. AOD has been shown to be a good proxy for pollution monitoring. 4 km, CONUS half-hourly, 06/2006–present HAS
Automated Smoke Detection and Tracking Algoithm The Automated Smoke Detection and Tracking Algorithm (ASDTA) provides observational support for verification of NOAA / NWS HYSPLIT smoke (PM2.5) forecasts. ASDTA uses a source apportionment technique by fusing GOES observations of fire hot spots and GASP-East AOD maps. ASDTA provides wind speed and direction associated with smoke plumes, however, the vertical location of the plumes is not known. 4 km, CONUS weekly, May 2005–present HAS

Oceanic Data

The following table is not an exhaustive list of satellite-based oceanic data. Other ocean products are available from the National Oceanographic Data Center and NOAA's Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS).

Dataset Description Spatial Information Temporal Information Access
Daily OISST Two new high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST) analysis products have been developed using optimum interpolation (OI). The analyses have a spatial grid resolution of 0.25° and temporal resolution of 1 day. One product uses Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) infrared satellite SST data. The other uses AVHRR and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) on the NASA Earth Observing System satellite SST data. Global; 0.25 degrees Daily; 1981–present HTTPS
Blended Sea Winds Blended Sea Winds contains globally gridded, high-resolution ocean surface vector winds and wind stresses. The wind directions came from two sources depending on the products: for the research products, the source is the NCEP Reanalysis 2 (NRA-2), and for near-real-time products, the source is the ECMWF NWP. The wind directions were interpolated onto the blended speed grids. Global oceans; 0.25 degrees 6 hourly; 1995–2011


Validation Datasets - SURFA The WCRP Surface Flux Analysis (SURFA) initiative is to facilitate the evaluation of forecast skills from NWP and climate models as well as products from reanalysis and remotely sensed surface flux variables against high-quality in situ reference data. The datasets here include output from NWP model forecasts and reanalysis as well as in situ station observations from January 2008 onward. Global; 0.25 degrees 2008–present HTTPS

In situ marine data from NCEI are also available.

Other Data

Dataset Description Spatial Information Temporal Information Access
HURSAT Gridded brightness temperatures centered on tropical cyclones from around the globe. Geostationary (HURSAT-B1) data, polar orbiting data (HURSAT-AVHRR), and SSMI (HURSAT-MW) are available. Latest release is version v05. Global; varying resolutions 3 hourly; 1979–2009 FTP:AVHRR
IBTrACS The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) provides tropical cyclone best track data in a centralized location to aid our understanding of the distribution, frequency, and intensity of tropical cyclones worldwide. Global 6 hourly; 1851–2010 FTP
Vegetation Whole Globe Products The Vegetation Whole Globe Products are operationally generated by NESDIS based on weekly Global Vegetation Indices. The two primary products are Global Vegetation Health (GVH) and Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF) products. The secondary products are drought monitoring indices including weekly Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), and Vegetation-Temperature Index (VTI) or the so-called Vegetation Health (VH) Index. 4 km, Global Weekly composites, July 2009–present HAS
Miscellaneous Additional NESDIS operational products are available via the HDSS Access System. N/A N/A