The Federal Reserve uses reporting forms to collect data from bank holding companies, depository institutions, other financial and nonfinancial entities, and consumers. Use of the forms is required in some cases, voluntary in others. Some data are collected periodically, others only occasionally. (More about reporting forms)

Forms used exclusively by the Federal Reserve have numbers preceded by the letters FR; those used by other federal banking agencies as well as the Federal Reserve have numbers preceded by the letters FFIEC (for Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council).

The forms and instructions on this web site are current and may be reproduced for use by respondents for data collection.

To find a particular form, select a category from the left or a form number from the list below.

Forms by number

Information collections under review
Application filing information
Guide to Regulatory and Financial Electronic Reporting
Micro Data Reference Manual
Incorporating FASB Accounting Standards Codification References into Federal Reserve Report (16 KB PDF)
Savings and Loan Holding Company Reporting Forms

Last Update: August 12, 2011