Arbitration and the Arbitrator Roster

Voluntary arbitration and fact-finding are widely used in labor-management relations. The FMCS Office of Arbitration provides valuable services for parties seeking arbitration through its roster of approximately 1,000 arbitrators. It also oversees the roster to assure compliance with FMCS policies and procedures and with the Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes.

Upon request, FMCS provides panels of arbitrators experienced in labor relations issues, from which the parties can select as provided in their collective bargaining agreement or other mutual agreement. Requests can be tailored to accommodate a variety of requirements, including for expertise, fees, and geography, provided both parties agree. Other kinds of customization are available.

For general information about our arbitration program and its leadership, click Arbitration-about us. Use the side navigation on the left for other categories of information, including Requesting a Panel. For frequently asked questions click FAQs.

You may reach the Office of Arbitration at 202-606-5111. The Director of Arbitration, Arthur Pearlstein, and other arbitration personnel, may be reached at this number. For more specific contact information and areas of responsibility among Office of Arbitration personnel, click on Arbitration Contact Information, also on the side navigation panel.