National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NCHS Research Ethics Review Board (ERB) Approval*

Survey Name/Date NCHS IRB/ERB Protocol Number or Description
NHANES 2017-2018 Protocol #2018-01    (Effective beginning October 26, 2017)
Continuation of Protocol #2011-17     (Effective through October 26, 2017)
NHANES 2015-2016 Continuation of Protocol #2011-17
NHANES 2013-2014 Continuation of Protocol #2011-17
NHANES 2011-2012 Protocol #2011-17
NHANES 2009-2010 Continuation of Protocol #2005-06
NHANES 2007-2008 Continuation of Protocol #2005-06
NHANES 2005-2006 Protocol #2005-06
NHANES 1999-2004 Protocol #98-12
NHANES III Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and documented consent was obtained from participants
NHANES II Underwent internal human subjects review, but IRB approval using current standards was not obtained.
NHANES I Underwent internal human subjects review, but IRB approval using current standards was not obtained.
NHES Underwent internal human subjects review, but IRB approval using current standards was not obtained.

* In 2003, the NHANES Institutional Review Board (IRB) changed its name to the NCHS Research Ethics Review Board (ERB).

Page last reviewed: November 29, 2017