National Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Capabilities Analysis Database

The National Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Capabilities Analysis Database (NCCAD) is an assessment program that uses a consistent and repeatable analytical methodology to assess and analyze the capabilities of:

  • Bomb squads
  • Explosives detection canine teams
  • Dive teams
  • Special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams

NCCAD assessments measure the capability elements of personnel, equipment, and training required for effective prevention, protection, and response to IED threats. This integrated information provides a snapshot of unit, local, state, regional, and national counter-IED preparedness that informs decision-makers on policy decisions, resource allocation for capability enhancement, and crisis management.

Program Description

Maintained by the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP), which is within the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's Infrastructure Security Division, NCCAD analyzes multiple levels of data—including geographic area, type of unit, and incident-specific resources—to determine unit, local, state, regional, and national counter-IED response capabilities.

NCCAD provides readiness information to be used in planning for steady-state and crisis decision support during threats or incidents. This detailed level of data supports critical decision-making for federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector security partners that have a role in the counter-IED mission.

OBP subject matter experts facilitate NCCAD assessments with state, local, tribal, and territorial agencies with IED prevention and response units to:

  • Determine current operational capabilities
  • Identify specific personnel, planning, training, and equipment gaps
  • Provide recommendations for capability enhancements

NCCAD assessment reports assist operational decision-makers and resource providers in developing investment justifications that support state homeland security strategies and national priorities in accordance with DHS grant program guidance. The NCCAD capability data increases knowledge of counter-IED capabilities at the unit, local, state, regional, and national levels in relation to relevant national preparedness goals.

Contact Information

For more information, please see the NCCAD fact sheet or send an email to the Office for Bombing Prevention at

To report suspicious activity, call 9-1-1 or contact local law enforcement.

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