United States
Table A:  Gross External Debt Position*:  March 31, 2007
(Millions of U.S. Dollars)
General Government
Money market instruments 277,730.0
Loans 0.0
Trade credits 0.0
Other debt liabilities
Arrears 107.0
Other 0.0
Bonds and notes 2,004,875.0
Loans 0.0
Trade credits 0.0
Other debt liabilities 19,048.0
Monetary Authorities
Money market instruments 0.0
Loans 0.0
Currency and deposits** 363,000.0
Other debt liabilities
Arrears 0.0
Other 0.0
Bonds and notes 0.0
Loans 0.0
Currency and deposits** 0.0
Other debt liabilities 0.0
Money market instruments 88,429.0
Loans 515,159.0
Currency and deposits** 1,276,364.0
Other debt liabilities
Arrears 5.0
Other 0.0
Bonds and notes 234,799.0
Loans 28,231.0
Currency and deposits** 87,235.0
Other debt liabilities 0.0
Other Sectors
Money market instruments 292,402.0
Loans 2,197,153.0
Currency and deposits** 114,435.0
Trade credits 39,863.0
Other debt liabilities
Arrears 17,252.0
Other 0.0
Bonds and notes 3,463,289.0
Loans 136,634.0
Currency and deposits** 0.0
Trade credits 1,343.0
Other debt liabilities 0.0
Direct Investment:  Intercompany debt
Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises
Arrears 0.0
Other 298,763.0
Debt liabilities to direct investors
Arrears 0.0
Other 585,076.0
GROSS EXTERNAL DEBT * 12,041,192.0
*   All debt presented at face value. 
** It is recommended that all currency and deposits be included in the  
   short-term category unless detailed information is available to make the 
   short-term/long-term attribution. 
July 2, 2008