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AMO’s energy system and energy management software tools help manufacturers increase energy efficiency at the plant-level and in specific systems. Learn step-by-step ways to identify opportunities, monitor progress, and improve efficiency in any facility by accessing the tools listed below.


MEASUR – DOE has developed an integrated tool suite (MEASUR) to aid manufacturers in improving the efficiency of energy systems and equipment within a plant. MEASUR will ultimately contain capabilities to analyze most major support systems found within manufacturing facilities, including pumps, fans, process heat, steam and compressed air. This effort, expected to be completed in 2019, provides for an extensively more user-friendly, modern and versatile set of tools. There is more interoperability between the individual tools, and the entire suite is accessible in an open-source environment. Several calculators are built into the tool that allow users to independently calculate system parameter estimations and graphical analysis (e.g., estimate pump head, examine the pump-system curve, converting energy requirements for different heat sources, etc.).

Managing Your Plant’s Energy Use

The following tools help manufacturers track energy, identify areas of improvement, and establish energy management systems at the plant level.

50001 READY NAVIGATOR – Managing energy use in any facility is a team effort, and the 50001 Ready Navigator is an online guide that can assist you in putting an energy management system in place. The Navigator has been developed by DOE to align with the structure and requirements of ISO 50001, to ensure that you are instituting and maintaining your EnMS to the best practices of the global standard. See more information on 50001 Ready Navigator.

ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TOOL LITE (EnPI LITE) – The Energy Performance Indicator Tool Lite (EnPI Lite) is an online regression-based calculator for modeling energy performance at the facility level. EnPI Lite has been designed to follow the 50001 Ready Measurement and Verification Protocol, which follows a top-down approach for determining facility-wide energy performance based on energy consumption and relevant variables. See more information on the EnPI Lite.

Energy Performance Indicator – A regression analysis based tool to help plant and corporate managers establish a normalized baseline of energy consumption, track annual progress of intensity improvements, energy savings, Superior Energy Performance (SEP) EnPIs, and other EnPIs that account for variations due to weather, production, and other variables.

Energy Footprint – The Energy Footprint Tool can help manufacturing, commercial and institutional facilities to track their energy consumption, factors related to energy use, and significant energy end-use. While the tool can be used by anyone interested in tracking their energy footprint, it has specifically been developed to support manufacturing, commercial and institutional facilities that are implementing energy management plans through the U.S. Department of Energy’s 50001 Ready Program or implementing energy management through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Superior Energy Performance Program (SEP).

Plant Energy Profiler Excel – The Plant Energy Profiler Excel, or PEPEx, is an Excel-based software tool provided by DOE to help industrial plant managers in the United States identify how energy is being purchased and consumed at their plant and identify potential energy and cost savings.

Plant Water Profiler Tool—Excel, Beta Version (PWPEx v0.1) – PWPEx Tool v0.1 is beta version of Plant Water Profiler Tool in Excel format. It is a comprehensive tool designed to help industrial manufacturing plant management identify and account for water procurement and consumption in manufacturing operations, recognize the true cost of water, and identify potential areas for water savings and associated water and energy cost savings. The PWPEx Tool would enable manufacturing plants in dissecting their water use and provide a mapping of the relative volumes and values of each stream. The tool further gives the user a list of next steps for potential water-efficiency projects based on best practices that might help the plant to reduce water use and losses. Thus, PWPEx could be a “first step” that industrial companies can use to identify opportunities for savings and improve their water use.

Automated Register of Implemented Actions (The “Register”) – Designed to assist you in your implementation of an Energy Management System (EnMS) including, but not limited to, ISO50001 and/or Superior Energy Performance (SEP.) The Register complements the SEP Measurement and Verification (M&V) Protocol. The Register summarizes key details of each action’s implementation, including action description, actual energy savings, source of energy savings determination, and responsible party. All actions affecting the energy performance improvement over the achievement period should be included, regardless of whether the action is associated with ISO 50001 “Action Plans” or “Significant Energy Uses”. The Register should reflect energy savings over the reporting period; typically, this will be annual savings.

Managing and Optimizing Your Plant’s Systems and Equipment

The following tools help manufacturers improve the efficiency of specific systems and pieces of equipment within a plant.


Steam System Modeler – The properties and equipment calculators in this tool allow the user to input the metrics of their system, generate a list of detailed steam specific steam properties, and test a variety of adjustments on individual equipment. The modeler allows the user to create up a 3-pressure-header basic model of the current steam system. Our Steam System Awareness Module will orient you more on how to use this tool and you can view and select any topic within the Table of Contents. Selecting this link will take you away from DOE’s website; to get back to this site you will need to click on the back arrow or bookmark this page.

Process Heating

The Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST) introduces methods to improve thermal efficiency of heating equipment. This tool helps industrial users survey process heating equipment that consumes fuel, steam, or electricity, and identifies the most energy-intensive equipment. The tool can be used to perform a heat balance that identifies major areas of energy use under various operating conditions and test "what-if" scenarios for various options to reduce energy use.

Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (Excel Version) (PHASTEx v1.01) PHASTEx v1.01 is a modified Excel format version of the Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST). PHASTEx software tool is designed to improve energy efficiency and save energy for industrial heating systems. Industrial heating systems include all commonly used heating equipment such as furnaces, melters, ovens, heaters, dryers, and boilers used in industrial facilities.

Compressed Air

AIRMaster+ – Helps users analyze energy use and savings opportunities in manufacturing compressed air systems. Use AIRMaster+ to baseline existing and model future system operations improvements, and evaluate energy and dollar savings from many energy-efficiency measures.

AIRMaster+ LogTool – Companion tool to AM+ that helps manufacturing users determine the operating dynamics of a compressed air system.


Pump System Assessment Tool (PSAT) – This tool helps manufacturers assess the efficiency of pumping system operations. PSAT uses achievable pump performance data from Hydraulic Institute standards and motor performance data from the MotorMaster+ database to calculate potential energy and associated cost savings. The tool also enables users to save and retrieve log files, default values, and system curves for sharing analyses with other users.


Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT) – This tool helps manufacturers quantify energy use and savings opportunities in manufacturing fan systems. Use FSAT to understand how well your fan systems are operating, determine the economic benefit of system modifications, and establish which options are most economically viable when multiple opportunities exist for system modification.

Data Centers

In partnership with DOE's FEMP, Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory's Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers offers tools including the Data Center Profiler (DC Pro) tool.

Archived Tools

DOE/AMO no longer directly supports the following energy system software tools:

  • 3E Plus
  • CWSAT – Chilled Water Assessment Tool
  • eGuide
  • MotorMaster+
  • MotorMaster+ International
  • NxEAT – NOx Assessment Tool.
  • SSAT- Steam System Assessment Tool
  • SSST- Steam System Scoping Tool
  • SSMT-Steam System Modeler Tool

Links to download these tools are available by request at AMO Tools Help Desk