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On Monday, December 14, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released its FY 2021 Phase I Release 2 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).  

Eligible small business can apply to receive approximately $200,000 to test their innovative ideas over 12 months. Small businesses that receive SBIR/STTR awards keep the rights to any technology developed and are encouraged to commercialize the technology.

DOE is holding an informational webinar on the SBIR/STTR Phase I, Release 2 FOA on Friday, December 18. Register for the webinar today.

DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is supporting 49 different SBIR/STTR research topics across its three technology sectors: transportation, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. To learn about the topics and grant application requirements, please view the Topic Description Document and the Phase I Release 2 FOA at

EERE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) is seeking projects in the following topic and subtopic areas:

  • Topic 6: Advanced Manufacturing
    • 6a: Innovation Research in Semiconductor Chip Design for Edge Computing in Manufacturing
    • 6b: Novel Manufacturing Methods for Membranes and Desalination System Components

  • Topic 17: Conductivity-enhanced materials for Affordable, Breakthrough Leapfrog Electric and Thermal Applications (CABLE) Materials and Applications
    • 17a: Technology Transfer Opportunity: Metal-carbon Composition and Composites Manufacturing
    • 17b: Electricity Delivery System Applications
    • 17e: Electric Systems—Generators and Motors
    • 17h: Enhanced Conductivity EV Charging Cables and Couplers

  • Topic 8: Polymers Upcycling and Recycling
    • 8a: Improving Plastics Compatibilization for More Efficient Recycling

  • Topic 10: Advanced Building Construction Technologies

Small business interested in applying in response to this FOA must submit a Letter of Intent to be eligible to submit a full application. Letters of Intent are due no later than Monday, Jan. 4, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Learn more about how to prepare and submit a Phase I Letter of Intent at

Small businesses also should visit the DOE SBIR Online Learning center to learn more about SBIR/STTR eligibility requirements, program complexities, and how to prepare, organize, and submit a Phase I proposal.

Visit the AMO website for more about the office’s SBIR/STTR projects.