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The Natural Gas Act of 1938, as amended, requires any person who wishes to engage in the import and/or export natural gas, (including liquefied natural gas, compressed natural gas, compressed gas liquids, etc.) from and/or to a foreign country; to first obtain an authorization from the Department of Energy. Within the Department of Energy (DOE), the Office of Regulation, Analysis, and Engagement - Division of Natural Gas Regulation, is responsible for granting such authorizations. 

To view information on how to obtain an authorization or to view previously filed applications, please visit the eDocket Room

NEW ~ Final Policy Statement Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050

Docket Room Services

Also available is the Summary of LNG Export Applications of the Lower 48 States. This document is an overall summary of LNG Export applications, including those that are under DOE review and those that have been approved. 


LNG Monthly

LNG Monthly 2020
LNG Monthly 2020
December 16, 2020
LNG Annual Report - 2019
LNG Annual Report - 2019
February 18, 2020
LNG Annual Report - 2018
LNG Annual Report - 2018.
February 14, 2019
LNG Annual Report - 2017
Monthly LNG Data Volumes and Prices
February 15, 2018

Natural Gas Quarterly

Natural Gas Imports and Exports Second Quarter Report 2020
Natural Gas Imports and Exports Second Quarter Report 2020
November 3, 2020
Natural Gas Imports and Exports First Quarter Report 2020
Natural Gas Imports and Exports First Quarter Report 2020
August 3, 2020
Natural Gas Imports and Exports Fourth Quarter Report 2019
Natural Gas Imports and Exports Fourth Quarter Report 2019
May 1, 2020
Natural Gas Imports and Exports Third Quarter Report 2019
Natural Gas Imports and Exports Third Quarter Report 2019
February 4, 2020