Audit Reports by Fiscal Year - 2006

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Ticket to Work Operations Support Manager for Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies and Employment Networks

DATE: Wednesday, September 27, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-02-06-16017
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Improve Administration of the Disability Programs
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Controls Over Multiple Payments to Attorneys

DATE: Wednesday, September 27, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-12-06-20016
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Improve Administration of the Disability Programs
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Survivor Benefits Paid in Instances When the Social Security Administration Removed the Death Entry from a Primary Wage Earner's Record

DATE: Tuesday, September 26, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-06-06-26020
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Improve the Prevention, Detection, and Recovery of Improper Payments
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Congressional Response Report: Monitoring the Use of Employee Verification Programs

DATE: Tuesday, September 26, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-03-06-36122
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Secure Information Systems and Protect Sensitive Data
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Federal Employees' Compensation Act - Social Security Administration Employees

DATE: Monday, September 25, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-15-06-26123
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Improve the Prevention, Detection, and Recovery of Improper Payments
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Effectiveness of Decentralized Correspondence Sent to Employers

DATE: Monday, September 25, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-03-06-26096
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Secure Information Systems and Protect Sensitive Data
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The Social Security Administration's Oversight of the Dell Workstation Blanket Purchase Agreements under General Services Administration's Schedule Contract GS-35-F-4076D

DATE: Monday, September 25, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-15-06-16073
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Strengthen Planning, Transparency, and Accountability
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Performance Indicator Audit: 800-Number Access

DATE: Monday, September 25, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-02-06-16108
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Strengthen Planning, Transparency, and Accountability
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Fiscal Year 2006 Evaluation of the Social Security Administration's Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act

DATE: Friday, September 22, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-14-06-16084
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Modernize Information Technology
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Assessing Social Security Administration's Efforts to Protect Sensitive Information

DATE: Friday, September 22, 2006
REPORT NUMBER: A-14-07-27068
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE: Modernize Information Technology
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