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Check out the latest from around the Defense Department.


It's a Wrap for Operation Christmas Drop 2020

The Air Force made a special Christmas delivery to people living on some of the most remote islands in the world, airdropping more than 3,200 pounds of cargo as part of its 69th annual Operation Christmas Drop.


Operation Christmas Drop 2020 Wrap Up

  • Defense.gov
  • Dec. 17, 2020 | 2:08

Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, united with Yokota Air Base, Japan, and the Japan Self-Defense Force for the 69th annual Operation Christmas Drop, delivering love from above for the people of the Palau. C-130 aircrews airdropped 64 bundles, totaling 3,200 lbs of cargo to the people living on some of the most remote islands in the world, Dec. 6-10. Despite challenges because of COVID-19, the many steps taken to mitigate transmission ensured the operation was a success. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Video by Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Donovan Zeanah


DOD in Photos: 2020

This collection showcases the work of military photographers in 2020, when U.S. service members continued to conduct around-the-clock training and operations worldwide to ensure the nation's security, even while responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial

The Pentagon Memorial is the first national memorial dedicated to honoring the 184 people whose lives were lost when hijackers flew a jetliner into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

Victory Over Japan Day: End of World War II

V-J Day, or Victory over Japan Day, marks the end of World War II, one of the deadliest and most destructive wars in history.


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