Alcohol Policy Changes at a Glance

You may query a listing of Alcohol Policy Changes based on Topic, Jurisdiction, and/or Year by selecting items from the “View Policy Changes” menu. Multiple items may be selected from each menu of options. Once you select an item(s), a list of corresponding Policy Changes will display.

Additionally, you may view a count of changes by Year, Jurisdiction, or Topic by selecting the corresponding option.

Policy Change Query

There are 626 total policy changes. Skip to Filters

The increase in policy changes beginning in 2003 is largely a reflection of the fact that, for 14 out of 35 APIS policy topics, coverage begins on 1/1/2003 rather than in 1998, and so there are no historical data for those 14 topics prior to 2003.

Select items from the “View Policy Changes” menu to view related items.

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Policy Topics

