Discussion Guide on Establishing Trustworthy Digital Repositories

Our Interagency Science Working Group has just released a publication titled, Establishing Trustworthy Digital Repositories:  A Discussion Guide Based on the ISO Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Standard Reference Model. This guide, developed in collaboration with a team of archivists, records managers, data managers and scientists in Federal agencies, will help Federal agency CIOs, IT … Continue reading Discussion Guide on Establishing Trustworthy Digital Repositories

Tool Spotlight: Records Control Schedule Repository

Have you ever had a question about the process for scheduling Federal records for disposition? The first step in the process is to complete an SF-115, Request for Records Disposition Authority and submit it to us for approval. After they go through the appraisal process and are approved by the Archivist of the United States, … Continue reading Tool Spotlight: Records Control Schedule Repository

Toolkit Spotlight – New York Preliminary Guidance on Social Media

This month, our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records spotlight returns to illustrate how the Toolkit incorporates materials from anywhere. While we released our Web 2.0 Bulletin to heads of Federal agencies in October, (see: Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms) other archival and records management programs have been working on similar guidance. … Continue reading Toolkit Spotlight – New York Preliminary Guidance on Social Media

Tool Spotlight: Cloud Computing Bulletin

This month, our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records spotlight returns to highlight our most recent bulletin, Guidance on Managing Records in Cloud Computing Environments. A few posts back, we talked about this Bulletin on the blog. We designed the Toolkit to include any type of tool. Tools can include case studies, best practice documents, process … Continue reading Tool Spotlight: Cloud Computing Bulletin

Tool Spotlight: Multi-Agency Environments Bulletin

This month, our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records spotlight falls on a Bulletin that we released last year, Guidance Concerning Managing Records in Multi-Agency Environments. This Bulletin provides guidance when Federal agencies collaborate and the responsibilities for record-keeping are unclear.  The Bulletin defines the conditions under which a multi-agency environment is present and discusses how … Continue reading Tool Spotlight: Multi-Agency Environments Bulletin

Tool Spotlight: Michigan Electronic Mail Retention Guidelines

This month, our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records spotlight highlights a .PDF from the State of Michigan Records Management Services that serves as a quick visual aid to determine simple email retention guidelines . It also provides users with some easily understood examples to determine the record status of email messages. The Toolkit was developed … Continue reading Tool Spotlight: Michigan Electronic Mail Retention Guidelines

Toolkit Spotlight: Continuing Study of Federal Agency Recordkeeping Technologies (2008)

For our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records spotlight this month, we are going to focus on the 2008 Continuing Study of Federal Agency Recordkeeping Technologies. <.pdf link here> This study looked at how 4 specific Federal agencies were handling electronic records and e‐mail messages. Sections 4.0 and 5.0 of the report document the responses that … Continue reading Toolkit Spotlight: Continuing Study of Federal Agency Recordkeeping Technologies (2008)

Tool Spotlight: Cloud Computing FAQ

One of the things that we intend to do on the blog is to highlight something from our Toolkit for Managing Electronic Records each month. By doing this, we hope we call to your attention some new piece of NARA guidance, a helpful product from another agency, or simply something that you may have missed. … Continue reading Tool Spotlight: Cloud Computing FAQ