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Program Planning

MAP-IT: A Guide to Using Healthy People 2020 in Your Community

Healthy People is based on a simple but powerful model:

  • Establish national health objectives.
  • Provide data and tools to enable states, cities, communities, and individuals across the Nation to combine their efforts to achieve them.

Use the MAP-IT framework to help:

  • Mobilize partners.
  • Assess the needs of your community.
  • Create and implement a plan to reach Healthy People 2020 objectives.
  • Track your community’s progress.

A Framework for Implementation

No two public health interventions are exactly alike. But most interventions share a similar path to success: Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track.

Otherwise known as MAP-IT, this framework can be used to plan and evaluate public health interventions to achieve Healthy People 2020 objectives. Whether you are a seasoned public health professional or new to the field, the MAP-IT framework will help you create your own path to a healthy community and a healthier Nation.

Use these tools and resources as a reference. Each of the 5 MAP-IT sections includes questions to ask and answer, a brief overview, Healthy People 2020 tools, and links to related resources.

Choose 1 of the steps below to get started: