New Audit Announcements


Audit of the Implementation of the NAFTA Cross-Border Trucking Provisions Initiated


In response to a Congressional request in the Department’s 2002 Appropriations Act, we began a review of the safety of cross-border trucking between the United States and Mexico. The audit will determine whether:

  • all new DOT-funded inspector positions are filled and inspection personnel are fully trained;
  • each inspector conducting compliance reviews of Mexican motor carriers is trained as a safety specialist;
  • a requirement that safety specialists conduct compliance reviews of Mexican carriers was met by transferring experienced inspectors from other parts of the United States;
  • FMCSA implemented a policy to ensure that Mexican carriers seeking operating authority beyond commercial zones comply with hours-of-service rules;
  • procedures are in place enabling U.S. law enforcement authorities to ensure the effective enforcement and monitoring of licensing of commercial drivers and for revoking licenses of commercial drivers employed by Mexican motor carriers and operating in the United States.