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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

Moon S Kim

Research Physicist

10300 Baltimore Ave.
Building 303 BARC-East, Room 001A
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA
phone: 301.504.8462
fax: 301.504.9466

Research Area
Dr. Kim is lead scientist for the EMFSL Sensing Technologies group, which is developing hyperspectral and multispectral imaging technologies to assess safety and quality of agricultural products and food ingredients. His current research areas include the development of rapid automated systems for online inspection of fresh produce, and the development of portable imaging devices using multispectral fluorescence and reflectance imaging and protocols for use in specific food safety/security applications..

Spotlights header image
  Photo: Dr. Moon Kim tests a portable imaging device equipped with a head-mount display for sanitation inspection of food-processing equipment. Machine's Eye View of Poultry and Produce

Featured in the January 2007 issue of Agricultural Research Magazine. View the article in (html)  or (pdf)  format.

Publications and Patents (2015)

Click here to see selected publications by Moon Kim listed by publication year, 2000-2014. Full-text reprints for some can be downloaded in PDF format.

A list of publications drawn from the ARS database for Moon Kim is also available, with access to an abstract/summary for each publication.


  1. Kim, M.S., Chao, K., Bannon, D. Method of determining histamine concentration in fish. USPTO, Utility Patent application submitted. September 2013. USPTO Notice of allowance, July 10, 2015.
  2. Kim, M.S., Chao, K., Cho, B.K., and Lee, K. Single-camera multi-mirror imaging method and apparatus for whole-surface inspection of rotating objects. US Patent # 8,988,523 B1. USPTO, March 24, 2015.
  3. Click here to view or download PDF file Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Kim, M.S., Chan, D.E., and Yang, C. Method and system for wholesomeness inspection of freshly slaughtered chickens on a processing line. US Patent # 8,625,856. USPTO, January 7, 2014.
  4. Click here to view or download PDF file Chao, K., Kim, M.S., Lefcourt, Tuschel, D., Olkhovyk, O, and Liu, Y. Systems and Methods for Detecting Contaminants in a Sample. US Patent #, 8,467,052. USPTO, June 18, 2013.
  5. Click here to view or download PDF file Kim, M.S., Lefcourt, A., Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Senecal, A., Marek, P. Hand-held inspection tool and method. US Patent #8,310,544 B2. USPTO, Nov 7, 2012.
  6. Click here to view or download PDF file Chao, K., Chen, Y.R., Kim, M.S., Chan, D.E., and Yang, C. Method and system for wholesomeness inspection of freshly slaughtered chickens on a processing line. US Patent # 8,126,213. USPTO, Feb. 28, 2012.
  7. Click here to view or download PDF file Kim, M.S., Chen, Y., Chao, K., and Lefcourt, A.M. Simultaneous acquisition of fluorescence and reflectance imaging techniques with a single imaging device for multitask inspection. US Patent # 7,787,111, USPTO. Aug. 31, 2010.
  8. Click here to view or download PDF file Lefcourt, A.M., Kim, M.S., and Chen, Y.R. Use of Nanosecond Scale, Time-Resolved, Imaging to Differentiate Contemporaneous Fluorescence Responses For Multiple Substances. US Patent, #7,547,508. USPTO. June 16, 2009.
  9. Click here to view or download PDF file Kim, M.S., Lefcourt, A.M., and Chen, Y.R. Method to detect exposed bone fragments during processing of meat or fish. US Patent #7,460,227, USPTO. Dec. 2, 2008.

  10. (Pending) Schmidt, W.F., Kim, M.S., Chao, K., Shelton, D.R. Variable temperature thermodynamic Raman spectroscopy method and apparatus. USPTO, Provisional Patent application submitted. January 2015.
  11. (Pending) Chao, K., Kim, M.S., and Qin, J. Line-scan Raman imaging method and apparatus for rapid evaluation of large samples. USPTO, Utility Patent application submitted October 2013.
  12. (Pending)Kim, M.S., Chao, K., Lefcourt, A., Lee, K., Kang, S., and Chan, D. Single-camera angled conveyance imaging method and apparatus for whole-surface inspection of rotating objects. USPTO, Utility Patent application submitted. March 2013.

2015 Publications (peer-reviewed)

  1. Baek, I., Kim, M.S., Lee, H.S., Lee, W.H., and Cho, B. Optimal fluorescence waveband determination for detecting defect cherry tomatoes using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix. Sensors, 14(11):21483-21496. 2014.
  2. Beck, E.A., Lefcourt, A., Lo, Y.M., and Kim, M.S.. Use of a portable fluorescence imaging device to facilitate cleaning of deli slicers. Food Control, 51:256-262. 2015.
  3. Everard, C., Kim, M.S. , Cho, H.J., and O'Donnell, C. Hyperspectral fluorescence imaging using violet LEDs as excitation sources for fecal matter contaminate identification on spinach leaves. J. Food Measure. & Characterization. In Press (Accepted Aug. 31). 2015.
  4. Everard, C., Lee, H.Y., and Kim, M.S.. Assessment of a handheld fluorescence imaging device as an aid for detection of food residues on processing surfaces. Food Control, 59:243-249. 2016.
  5. Garrido-Novell, C., P?rez-Mar?n, D., Guerrero-Ginel, J., Kim, M.S., and Garrido-Varo, A. Quantification and spatial characterization of moisture and NaCl content of Iberian dry-cured ham slices using NIR hyperspectral imaging. J. Food Eng., 153:117-123. 2015.
  6. Kandpal, L., Lee, S.D., Kim, M.S., Bae, H., and Cho, B. Short wave infrared (SW-IR) hyperspectral imaging technique for examination of aflatoxin B_1 on corn kernels. Food Control, 51:171-176. 2015.
  7. Lee, H., Park, S.H., Noh, S.A., Lim, J.K. and Kim, M.S. Development of a portable 3CCD camera system for multispectral imaging of biological samples. Sensors, 14(11):20262-20273. 2014.
  8. Lefcourt, A., Beck, E.A., Lo, Y.M., and Kim, M.S.. Fluorescence spectra of deli commodities on food contact surface materials. J. of Biosystems Eng., 40(2):145-152. 2015.
  9. Mo, C., Kim, M.S., Lim, J., Cho, B., Lee, K., and Kim, G. Multispectral fluorescence imaging technique for discrimination of cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) seed viability. Trans. ASABE, 58(4): 959-968. 2015.
  10. Schmidt, W.F., Broadhurst, C.L., Qin, J., Lee, H., Nguyen, J.K., Chao, K., Shelton, D.R., and Kim, M.S. Continuous Temperature Dependent Raman Spectroscopy of Melamine and Structural Analogs and Detection in Milk Powder. Applied Spectroscopy, 69(3):398-406. 2015.
  11. Schmidt, W.F., Kim, M.S., Nguyen, J.K., Qin, J., Lee, H., Broadhurst, C.L., and Shelton, D.R. Continuous gradient temperature Raman Spectroscopy identifies flexible sites in proline and alanine peptides. Vibrational Spectroscopy. 80:59-65. 2015.
  12. Yang, C.C., Garrido-Novell., C., P?rez-Mar?n, D., Guerrero-Ginel, J.E., Garrido-Varo, A., Cho, H.J., and Kim, M.S. Differentiation of beef and fish meals in animal feeds using chemometric analytic models. J. of Biosystems Eng., 40(2):153-158. 2015.

Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD 20705
US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service

Last Modified: 8/12/2016
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