Offices of CIA


What We Do

Where else could you write an analysis of a world event and have it read by the President?

Where else could you be sure that your report about the impact of a humanitarian emergency in Africa will be seriously considered at the highest levels of our government?

Where else could you be called on to brief US policymakers at the height of an international crisis?

Officers in the CIA’s Directorate of Analysis (DA) are on the forefront of protecting US national security interests in a fast-changing world. As a DA analyst, your challenge is to anticipate and quickly assess rapidly evolving international developments and their impact, both positive and negative, on US policy concerns. Technological advances have increased the complexity, scope, and speed of potential risks to our national security, and threats can come from farther away, faster, and with less warning than ever before.

The intelligence support that DA officers develop and provide through written products such as the President’s Daily Brief and the World Intelligence Review (WIRe), as well as through other methods is a core function of the Agency. While the CIA does not make foreign policy, our analysis of intelligence on overseas developments feeds into the informed decisions by policymakers and other senior decisionmakers in the national security and defense arenas.

As an analyst, the expertise you bring to the job and continue to develop through your daily work and continuous training will make you part of a process that reaches right to the top of national policy decisions. CIA is a vital part of the nation’s Intelligence Community, both advising and receiving oversight from the executive and legislative branches of the US Government.

Working closely with analysts, our multimedia producers, graphics designers, and cartographers craft products that convey our analytic judgments more effectively. From computer simulations to multi-dimensional maps, graphics specialists draw on their creative expertise to play an active and unique role in supporting the DA’s intelligence mission.

The DA’s mission to analyze a diverse set of countries, issues, and cultures means we look for individuals with a variety of academic backgrounds and disciplines from a variety of institutions. A limited number of undergraduate internships, graduate fellowships, and minority student programs are available. Through the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program, a limited number of scholarships are awarded to highly qualified students specializing in critical subject areas who want to work as DA analysts. All our employees must be US citizens. If you are looking for the chance to contribute, if you like intellectual challenges, if you thrive on a fast-paced environment, and if you want to make a difference, then a career in the DA may be for you.

Posted: Apr 25, 2007 06:36 AM
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2015 09:06 PM