Dams Sector Resources

Dams Sector reference documents and tools include both open source and those designated as “For Official Use Only” (FOUO). Resources available to stakeholders include handbooks, guides, brochures, fact sheets, and analytical tools.

Homeland Security Information Network - Critical Infrastructure (HSIN-CI) Dams Portal

The HSIN-CI Dams Portal allows Dams Sector partners to effectively collect and distribute information to federal, state, and local agencies and the private sector. It provides access to templates, guidelines, and models to assist other owners and operators in developing plans addressing security, recovery, continuity of operations, cybersecurity, and exercises.

Dams Sector Consequence-Based Top Screen

This consequence-based method assists in identifying critical facilities within the Dams Sector. Critical facilities are highly important facilities, and their failure or disruption would have the highest possible effect compared to other sector assets.

Dams Sector Suspicious Activity Reporting Tool

The Dams Sector Suspicious Activity Reporting Tool was developed to provide Dams Sector partners with the ability to report and retrieve information on suspicious activities that could be a part of pre-incident surveillance.

Dams Sector Publications

The Dams Sector Publications webpage provides an array of guides, handbooks, fact sheets, and other documents for the Dams Sector.

Dams Sector Training

These Dams Sector training courses provide dam and levee stakeholders with the knowledge required to enhance protection and resilience at their facilities.

Association of State Dam Safety Officials

The failure of dams and the great destruction and loss of life failures often cause, is a matter of deep concern to the members of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO). ASDSO is a national non-profit organization serving state dam safety programs and the broader dam safety community, which includes federal dam safety professionals, dam owners and operators, engineering consultants, emergency managers, manufacturers, suppliers, academia, contractors, and others interested in improving dam safety.


For additional information on Dams Sector resources, please contact the Dams Sector-Specific Agency at dams@hq.dhs.gov.

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