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Stories from the Field

Stories from the Field

Want to know what others are doing to improve the health of their communities? Explore our Stories from the Field to see how communities across the Nation are implementing Healthy People 2020.
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Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Mobile Health Program

Program State: Arizona
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): AHS-3 LHI, AHS-5, AHS-6
Date Posted: 02/18/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the University of Arizona College of Family Medicine’s Department of Family and Community Medicine worked to increase access to health services through their Mobile Health Program.

Organization Type: Hospital or Health Center
Program Name:

Delta Rural Access Program

Program State: Alabama
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): AHS-1.1 LHI, AHS-3 LHI
Date Posted: 01/22/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Tombigbee Healthcare Authority worked to improve access to health services in rural communities.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Door-to-Door Program

Program State: Maryland
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Maryland program that brought healthcare access to low-income, socially isolated Latinos through direct community engagement.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Elderly Outreach Program

Program State: Wisconsin
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Wisconsin organization that addressed health-related quality of life and well-being of Hmong elders.

Organization Type: Hospital or Health Center
Program Name:

South Side Healthcare Collaborative (SSHC)

Program State: Illinois
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): AHS-3 LHI
Date Posted: 01/26/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at the University of Chicago Medical Center's Urban Health Initiative's South Side Healthcare Collaborative, a network of more than 30 community-based health centers, free clinics and local hospitals on the south side of Chicago, who partner to help residents make a long-term connection with a primary care physician.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): AHS-1.1 LHI, AHS-3 LHI
Date Posted: 06/13/2017

More people in the United States have access to health care today than in 2010.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Kentucky Homeplace

Program State: Kentucky
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): C-16 LHI
Date Posted: 08/20/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Kentucky Homeplace developed a colorectal cancer component for their community health worker program to improve the health of rural Kentuckians.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

HIV Dental Ombudsperson Program

Program State: Massachusetts
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI, AHS-6.3
Date Posted: 03/24/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Boston Public Health Commission’s HIV Dental Ombudsperson Program increased access to oral health services for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Organization Type:
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): AHS-1.1 LHI, AHS-3 LHI, SA-8.2
Date Posted: 09/13/2018

Access to health care is a key determinant of physical and behavioral health outcomes. Regular access to primary health services is critical for preventing and detecting diseases, ensuring comprehensive treatment, and improving overall quality of life.1

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

All Healthy Children Campaign

Program State: Texas
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): AHS-1.1 LHI
Date Posted: 01/24/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how The Children's Defense Fund-Texas made great strides in insuring children living in Texas.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Community Referral Coordinator Program

Program State: Missouri
Topic Area(s): Access to Health Services
Objective(s): AHS-3 LHI, AHS-5, AHS-6
Date Posted: 02/20/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the St. Louis Integrated Health Network implemented the Community Referral Coordinator Program to improve access to primary care.

Organization Type: Other
Program Name:

Children’s HealthWatch

Program State: Massachusetts
Objective(s): SDOH-4, AH-5.1 LHI
Date Posted: 07/23/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Children’s HealthWatch researched and analyzed issues related to housing and children’s health.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

First Things First (FTF) - Kansas City, Kansas School District

Program State: Kansas
Objective(s): AH-5.1 LHI
Date Posted: 09/20/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Kansas City, Kansas School District implemented a comprehensive school reform initiative, First Things First (FTF), to combat low graduation rates and to improve academic performance.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol

Objective(s): SA-13.1 LHI, SA-2.1, SA-14.4
Date Posted: 04/20/2017

Underage alcohol use (also known as underage drinking) is a serious public health problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), young people abuse alcohol more than any other drug—and more than 4,300 young people die from alcohol-related causes each year.1

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Salem Healthy Kids 2012

Program State: Massachusetts
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Massachusetts organization that empowered young people to use theater to educate their peers about healthy behaviors.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Sources of Strength

Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI, MHMD-4.1 LHI, IVP-1.1 LHI, IVP-35
Date Posted: 03/23/2017

If you ask Mark LoMurray what he likes most about his job, he doesn’t have to think about it much. “Watching young people find their voice,” he says, “sometimes in as little as 3 or 4 hours. We often have kids who can barely say their name at the beginning of an activity, and by the end they’re standing up presenting ideas that they’re proud of. It’s just really amazing to watch that happen.”

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Topic Area(s): Adolescent Health
Objective(s): AH-5.1 LHI
Date Posted: 07/20/2017

High school graduation is an important predictor for overall health outcomes. High school graduates have less chance of being in prison, greater financial stability as adults, and fewer health problems.1

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Cook County CARES

Topic Area(s): Cancer
Objective(s): C-5, C-16 LHI
Date Posted: 12/12/2017

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.1 The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all adults ages 50 to 75 get screened for the disease.2 But in 2015, only about 62% of adults in the United States were screened according to the guidelines.3

Organization Type:
Topic Area(s): Cancer
Objective(s): C-5, C-16 LHI
Date Posted: 11/14/2019

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in the United States, and the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths.1 But although colorectal cancer is very common—and there are effective tests for it—many people in the United States aren’t getting screened.2

Organization Type: Other
Program Name:

Diabetes Education Center

Program State: Texas
Topic Area(s): Diabetes
Objective(s): D-5.1 LHI, D-14
Date Posted: 10/22/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Rio Grande Valley Accountable Care Organization worked to address diabetes in its community.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Eat Smart Move More South Carolina

Program State: South Carolina
Date Posted: 08/11/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how Eat Smart Move More Kershaw County and the City of Camden involved residents and worked to meet national Complete Streets standards to help Camden, SC become a safer and healthier community.

Organization Type: Other
Program Name:

Community Air Risk Evaluation (CARE) Program

Program State: California
Topic Area(s): Environmental Health
Objective(s): EH-1 LHI
Date Posted: 09/19/2014
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Bay Area Air Quality Management District improved air quality within the San Francisco Bay Area.
Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Green Cleaning Workshops

Program State: Oregon
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at an Oregon organization that works to empower a Latino community with the skills to protect their environment and improve the health of their children.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Human Rights and Health Collective

Program State: California
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a California organization that addressed health conditions related to housing and food security among low-income residents.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Lead Poisoning Low Literacy Training Program

Program State: Rhode Island
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Rhode Island organization working to increase awareness about childhood lead poisoning.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Rapid Response Notification System

Program State: Arizona
Topic Area(s): Environmental Health
Objective(s): EH-1 LHI
Date Posted: 12/17/2012
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Maricopa County's Rapid Response Notification System improved air quality through community partnerships.
Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Eat Smart Move More South Carolina

Program State: South Carolina
Date Posted: 08/11/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how Eat Smart Move More Kershaw County and the City of Camden involved residents and worked to meet national Complete Streets standards to help Camden, SC become a safer and healthier community.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

New York City Community Air Survey

Program State: New York
Topic Area(s): Environmental Health
Objective(s): EH-1 LHI, EH-3
Date Posted: 11/17/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene works to reduce harmful air pollutants.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Person-Centered Reproductive Health Program

Program State: California
Topic Area(s): Family Planning
Objective(s): FP-7.1 LHI, FP-11, FP-16
Date Posted: 09/22/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the University of California, San Francisco Department of Family & Community Medicine’s Program in Woman-Centered Contraception is developing evidence-based tools and resources to help support women in making decisions about family planning services.

Organization Type: Hospital or Health Center
Program Name:

Title X Family Planning Program

Program State: District Of Columbia
Topic Area(s): Family Planning
Objective(s): FP-1, FP-6, FP-7.1 LHI
Date Posted: 03/20/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the St. Louis Integrated Health Network implemented the Community Referral Coordinator Program to improve access to primary care.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Asthma Series

Program State: New York
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a New York organization that effectively used technology and media to discuss childhood asthma.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Autism Spectrum Quotient Screening Access

Program State: Minnesota
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at how the Minnesota Academy of Pediatrics Foundation engaged the Somali immigrant community to provide increased access to early childhood developmental screenings.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Door-to-Door Program

Program State: Maryland
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Maryland program that brought healthcare access to low-income, socially isolated Latinos through direct community engagement.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Elderly Outreach Program

Program State: Wisconsin
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Wisconsin organization that addressed health-related quality of life and well-being of Hmong elders.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Lead Poisoning Low Literacy Training Program

Program State: Rhode Island
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Rhode Island organization working to increase awareness about childhood lead poisoning.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program You Can! Live Well, Virginia!

Program State: Virginia
Objective(s): HRQOL/WB-1.1, HRQOL/WB-1.2
Date Posted: 05/27/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Virginia Department of Health partnered with the Virginia Department of Aging to improve access to community workshops aimed at helping people manage a chronic health condition.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions Program

Program State: Colorado
Topic Area(s): Heart Disease and Stroke
Objective(s): HDS-2, HDS-5, HDS-7, HDS-12 LHI
Date Posted: 05/19/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Colorado Prevention Center (CPC) Community Health implemented the Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions Program.

Organization Type: Hospital or Health Center
Program Name:

Healthy Heart, Healthy Family

Program State: Hawaii
Topic Area(s): Heart Disease and Stroke
Objective(s): HDS-12 LHI
Date Posted: 07/26/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services implemented the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's Healthy Heart, Healthy Family program to promote heart healthy behaviors and lifestyles.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Advanced Stroke Life Support Initiative

Program State: Georgia
Topic Area(s): Heart Disease and Stroke
Objective(s): HDS-3, HDS-17
Date Posted: 09/08/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Georgia Department of Community Health, Division of Public Health partnered with community groups to offer training and certification in how to recognize stroke symptoms and give patients fast, appropriate treatment.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Advanced Stroke Life Support Initiative

Program State: Ohio
Topic Area(s): Heart Disease and Stroke
Objective(s): HDS-2, HDS-3, HDS-17
Date Posted: 05/27/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Allen County Health Department partnered with the Lima Memorial Health System to start a comprehensive training program to improve the standard of acute stroke care provided by emergency medical services and Emergency Department staff.


Organization Type: Hospital or Health Center
Program Name:

Community Healthcare Network

Program State: New York
Topic Area(s): HIV
Objective(s): HIV-13 LHI, HIV-14
Date Posted: 06/20/2013
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Community Healthcare Network integrated HIV testing and counseling into routine medical care for underserved populations in New York City.
Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

HIV/STD Program

Topic Area(s): HIV
Objective(s): HIV-13 LHI
Date Posted: 11/13/2018

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are significant contributors to death and illness in the United States. People who have HIV but don’t know it are less likely to get the treatment and support services they need, and they are more likely to transmit the disease to others.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

HIV Dental Ombudsperson Program

Program State: Massachusetts
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI, AHS-6.3
Date Posted: 03/24/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Boston Public Health Commission’s HIV Dental Ombudsperson Program increased access to oral health services for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Texas Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning Project

Program State: Texas
Topic Area(s): HIV
Objective(s): HIV-2, HIV-13 LHI, HIV-14.2, HIV-19
Date Posted: 08/20/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Texas Department of State Health Services implemented the
Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning Project to reduce new HIV infections, link people with HIV to care and treatment, and reduce HIV-related health disparities.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

The Bronx Knows

Program State: New York
Topic Area(s): HIV
Objective(s): HIV-13 LHI
Date Posted: 06/21/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and partners implemented The Bronx Knows to to raise awareness for HIV testing, make HIV testing more accessible, promote testing as a routine part of medical care, and improve linkage of people diagnosed with HIV to appropriate medical care.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Easy Access Project

Program State: Hawaii
Objective(s): IID-1, IID-29
Date Posted: 05/27/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Hawaii State Department of Health partnered with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Lanakila Health Center in Honolulu to provide language-appropriate and culturally sensitive health services to newly arrived immigrants.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

The Arizona Partnership for Immunizations

Program State: Arizona
Objective(s): IID-8 LHI, IID-9
Date Posted: 05/22/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how The Arizona Partnership for Immunization is increasing the number of fully immunized children, adolescents, and adults across the state.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Safe Dates

Objective(s): IVP-1.1 LHI, IVP-29 LHI, IVP-39
Date Posted: 01/21/2016
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Tu Casa, Inc. worked to address teen dating violence in Colorado.
Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Johns Hopkins University Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence

Program State: Maryland
Objective(s): IVP-29 LHI, IVP-30, IVP-31
Date Posted: 11/01/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Johns Hopkins University Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence implemented a community-wide youth violence prevention strategy throughout Baltimore.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Domestic Violence Prevention among Refugees

Program State: Texas
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Texas organization committed to working with refugee populations to address the diverse cross-cultural issues that arise in relocating to the United States.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Sources of Strength

Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI, MHMD-4.1 LHI, IVP-1.1 LHI, IVP-35
Date Posted: 03/23/2017

If you ask Mark LoMurray what he likes most about his job, he doesn’t have to think about it much. “Watching young people find their voice,” he says, “sometimes in as little as 3 or 4 hours. We often have kids who can barely say their name at the beginning of an activity, and by the end they’re standing up presenting ideas that they’re proud of. It’s just really amazing to watch that happen.”

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

“Click it or Ticket” style Child Car Seat project

Program State: Washington
Objective(s): IVP-1.1 LHI, IVP-13.1, IVP-16
Date Posted: 11/20/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC), managed by the Bonney Lake Police Department, developed a comprehensive Child Passenger Safety (CPS) program focused on preventing injuries and deaths involving children under age 15.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries)

Program State: Oregon
Objective(s): IVP-1, IVP-23, OA-11
Date Posted: 02/23/2017

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults aged 65 years and older.1 But falls aren’t an inevitable part of aging—and that’s the premise behind the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries) Initiative from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Best Practices, Falls Risk Reduction Project

Program State: New Hampshire
Objective(s): IVP-23.2
Date Posted: 08/11/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services’ Injury Prevention Program and the New Hampshire Falls Risk Reduction Task Force worked to decrease the risk and incidence of falls among adults aged 65 years and older.

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Youth Empowerment Solutions (YES)

Program State: Michigan
Objective(s): IVP-29 LHI, IVP-42
Date Posted: 04/23/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Michigan Youth Violence Prevention Center at the University of Michigan School of Public Health developed and implemented the Youth Empowerment Solutions (YES) program to empower youth to affect their communities in positive ways and modify the environmental conditions that contribute to youth violence.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Project Lazarus

Objective(s): IVP-1.1 LHI, IVP-9.1
Date Posted: 01/18/2018

Prescription opioids continue to factor significantly in the epidemic of deaths from opioid overdose in the United States. In 2016, more than 46 people died each day from overdoses involving prescription opioids.1 In addition, more than 1,000 people a day are treated in emergency departments for not using prescription opioids as directed.1

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Philadelphia LandCare Program

Program State: Pennsylvania
Objective(s): IVP-29 LHI
Date Posted: 02/22/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at the relationship between vacant, overgrown lots and neighborhood crime in Philadelphia.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

External Affairs / Tobacco Prevention Program

Program State: Illinois
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI, TU-4.1
Date Posted: 05/21/2015
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Chicago Department of Public Health worked to reduce tobacco use among the LGBT communities in Chicago.
Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

LGBT Health Outcomes Planning Project

Program State: Colorado
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at how the Colorado Department of Health and Environment created an actionable plan to address lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

1,000 Grandmothers

Program State: Maryland
Objective(s): MICH-1.3 LHI, MICH-1.8, MICH-1.9, MICH-20
Date Posted: 08/18/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the International Association for Indigenous Aging implemented the 1,000 Grandmothers Project to engage Native elders in reducing the rate of Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Pregnancy Medical Home Project

Program State: North Carolina
Objective(s): MICH-8, MICH-9.1 LHI, MICH-10.2
Date Posted: 04/17/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Community Care of North Carolina is improving birth outcomes by providing comprehensive maternity care.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Healthy Babies Are Worth the Wait™

Program State: Kentucky
Objective(s): MICH-9.1 LHI
Date Posted: 03/29/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Kentucky Department for Public Health implemented Healthy Babies Are Worth the Wait™ to reduce preterm birth rates in Kentucky.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Autism Spectrum Quotient Screening Access

Program State: Minnesota
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at how the Minnesota Academy of Pediatrics Foundation engaged the Somali immigrant community to provide increased access to early childhood developmental screenings.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Community Baby Showers for Safe Sleep

Program State: Kansas
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Kansas organization working to reduce infant mortality and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Starting Well/Comenzando Bien

Program State: Utah
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Utah organization providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services to help Latina women improve their health.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Support Breastfeeding and Child Care Centers

Program State: Louisiana
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Louisiana organization that worked with childcare centers to increase the rates of breastfeeding in New Orleans.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program

Objective(s): TU-11.1 LHI, TU-13.10, MICH-1.8
Date Posted: 06/22/2017

Exposure to secondhand smoke causes significant health problems in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), secondhand smoke harms both children and adults—and the only way to completely protect people who don’t smoke is to eliminate smoking in all homes, work environments, and public places.1

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Cradle Cincinnati

Objective(s): MICH-1.3 LHI, MICH-9.1 LHI, MICH-11.3, MICH-20
Date Posted: 05/18/2017

Here are some troubling facts: babies born in the United States are about 3 times more likely to die in their first year than babies born in Finland or Japan—and the United States ranks last among 26 developed countries for infant mortality.1 In 2014, more than 23,000 U.S. babies died before their first birthday.2

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Nurse-Family Partnership

Program State: Louisiana
Objective(s): MICH-1.3 LHI, MICH-10, MICH-11, MICH-16
Date Posted: 09/17/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals’ Office of Public Health implemented the Nurse-Family Partnership, a home visitation program for low income, first-time pregnant mothers and their babies to improve maternal and child health.

Organization Type: Public/Private Partnership
Program Name:

Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative

Program State: Ohio
Objective(s): MICH-9.1 LHI
Date Posted: 07/18/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative worked to reduce preterm births & improve perinatal and preterm newborn outcomes throughout Ohio.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Objective(s): MICH-1.3 LHI, MICH-9.1 LHI, MICH-10.1, MICH-10.2
Date Posted: 05/21/2019

Despite advances in medical research and care, there are significant disparities in maternal health and infant birth and health outcomes.1 Access to prenatal care and education can dramatically improve birth and health outcomes for moms and their babies,2 but women who are uninsured (or underinsured) often miss out on these critical services.

Organization Type: Tribal Entity
Program State: Arizona
Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI, MHMD-2
Date Posted: 05/23/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at the Empowering Our Spirits Initiative, a program developed by the White Mountain Apache Tribe to reduce Apache youth suicidal behavior.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI
Date Posted: 07/18/2019

Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States—and suicide rates are on the rise in almost every state.1 But communities and health systems are working together to help intervene.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Sources of Strength

Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI, MHMD-4.1 LHI, IVP-1.1 LHI, IVP-35
Date Posted: 03/23/2017

If you ask Mark LoMurray what he likes most about his job, he doesn’t have to think about it much. “Watching young people find their voice,” he says, “sometimes in as little as 3 or 4 hours. We often have kids who can barely say their name at the beginning of an activity, and by the end they’re standing up presenting ideas that they’re proud of. It’s just really amazing to watch that happen.”

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program (SOS)

Program State: Missouri
Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI
Date Posted: 04/26/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Communities Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide (CHADS) Coalition for Mental Health helped schools in North St. Louis County, Missouri implement the SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program, a program to prevent suicide among adolescents.

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project

Program State: Massachusetts
Objective(s): MHMD-4.1 LHI, MHMD-6, MHMD-11
Date Posted: 03/19/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health used funding from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) State Innovation Model (SIM) Initiative to enhance their Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project, which helps pediatricians better meet the needs of children and youth with behavioral health issues.

Organization Type: Hospital or Health Center
Program Name:

The Senior Connection

Program State: New York
Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI
Date Posted: 08/21/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the University of Rochester Medical Center partnered with Lifespan to implement a program to reduce the risk of suicide among older adults.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Zero Suicide in Texas

Program State: Texas
Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI, MHMD-2
Date Posted: 04/21/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Texas Department of State Health Services worked to prevent youth suicide.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

California Project LEAN (Leaders Encouraging Activity and Nutrition)

Program State: California
Objective(s): NWS-2, NWS-10, NWS-15.1 LHI
Date Posted: 05/27/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the California Department of Public Health and California Project LEAN worked to limit access to sugar-sweetened beverages and increase water intake in school settings.

Organization Type: Public/Private Partnership
Program Name:

Youth Engagement & Action for Health (YEAH!)

Program State: California
Objective(s): NWS-10.4 LHI
Date Posted: 03/21/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative worked to reduce childhood obesity by creating healthy environments for all children and families through advocacy, education, and policy development efforts.

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Gold Medal Schools

Program State: Utah
Objective(s): PA-3.1, PA-4.1, NWS-2.2, NWS-10.4 LHI, NWS-15.1 LHI
Date Posted: 09/08/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Utah Department of Health partnered with schools and local health departments to create healthier school environments and address childhood obesity.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Human Rights and Health Collective

Program State: California
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a California organization that addressed health conditions related to housing and food security among low-income residents.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Let's Move! Rockbridge

Program State: Virginia
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Virginia organization that addressed community health by developing partnerships with local businesses, physicians, and schools to promote healthy behaviors in their community.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Salem Healthy Kids 2012

Program State: Massachusetts
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Massachusetts organization that empowered young people to use theater to educate their peers about healthy behaviors.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Starting Well/Comenzando Bien

Program State: Utah
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Utah organization providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services to help Latina women improve their health.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Green Carts Initiative

Program State: New York
Objective(s): NWS-15.1 LHI
Date Posted: 12/15/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene works to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Healthy Food Small Retailer Program

Objective(s): NWS-3, NWS-14, NWS-15.1 LHI
Date Posted: 09/17/2019

Rural communities face unique challenges when it comes to accessing healthy foods. Rates of obesity in both children and adults are significantly higher in rural locations than in urban locations,12 and people who live in rural areas eat fewer fruits and vegetables than those who live in cities.3

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Program

Objective(s): NWS-9 LHI, PA-2.4 LHI
Date Posted: 11/16/2017

Across the United States, more than 1 in 3 adults have obesity—making it a serious and costly health issue.1 In the state of Delaware, obesity rates rose from 13% in 1992 to 28% in 2007.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) Texas

Program State: Texas
Objective(s): NWS-15.1 LHI
Date Posted: 05/29/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how The Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) Texas program improved health behavior among children through the promotion of physical activity and healthy food choices.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Communities Putting Prevention to Work / Healthy Eating Active Living

Program State: Washington
Objective(s): NWS-10.4 LHI
Date Posted: 11/19/2015
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Public Health-Seattle & King County worked to address childhood obesity in its community.
Organization Type:
Program Name:

Mobile School Pantry Program

Program State: Utah
Objective(s): NWS-12, NWS-13, AH-5.1 LHI
Date Posted: 06/23/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Utah Food Bank works to address food insecurity and hunger among children in Utah.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries)

Program State: Oregon
Objective(s): IVP-1, IVP-23, OA-11
Date Posted: 02/23/2017

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults aged 65 years and older.1 But falls aren’t an inevitable part of aging—and that’s the premise behind the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries) Initiative from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Peer Exercise Program Promotes Independence

Program State: Arkansas
Objective(s): OA-6
Date Posted: 08/11/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Arkansas Department of Health implemented an exercise program to help older adults lose weight, feel better, and reduce the impact of heart disease and stroke.

Organization Type: Hospital or Health Center
Program Name:

The Senior Connection

Program State: New York
Objective(s): MHMD-1 LHI
Date Posted: 08/21/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the University of Rochester Medical Center partnered with Lifespan to implement a program to reduce the risk of suicide among older adults.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

The Virginia Department of Health School Dental Sealant Program

Topic Area(s): Oral Health
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI, OH-2.2, OH-12.2
Date Posted: 08/31/2017

Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic conditions affecting children in the United States. When it’s not treated, tooth decay can cause pain and infections–and may interfere with a child’s ability to eat, talk, learn, and play.1

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:


Program State: Minnesota
Topic Area(s): Oral Health
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI, OH-8, OH-9.1, OH-12
Date Posted: 02/19/2015
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Minnesota Oral Health Program worked to improve adolescent oral health across Minnesota through increased access to school-based dental sealants programs. ,



Organization Type: Federal Government Agency
Program Name:

Early Childhood Caries Collaborative

Topic Area(s): Oral Health
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI, OH-1.1, OH-2.1
Date Posted: 05/16/2018

Tooth decay (also known as caries or cavities) is one of the most common chronic health conditions affecting children in the United States.1 American Indian and Alaska Native children have especially high rates of tooth decay; the rate for American Indian and Alaska Native children ages 3 to 5 is 43%—more than 4 times the rate for white children.2

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Maryland Office of Oral Health

Program State: Maryland
Topic Area(s): Oral Health
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI
Date Posted: 08/20/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Maryland Office of Oral Health worked with partners to convene a Dental Action Committee (DAC) to improve the oral health of Maryland's children.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

HIV Dental Ombudsperson Program

Program State: Massachusetts
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI, AHS-6.3
Date Posted: 03/24/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Boston Public Health Commission’s HIV Dental Ombudsperson Program increased access to oral health services for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

SEAL! Michigan School-Based Dental Sealant Program

Program State: Michigan
Topic Area(s): Oral Health
Objective(s): OH-1, OH-2, OH-12
Date Posted: 02/19/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Michigan Department of Community Health addressed adolescent tooth decay through school-based dental sealant programs.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

I-Smile Dental Home Initiative

Program State: Iowa
Topic Area(s): Oral Health
Objective(s): OH-7 LHI
Date Posted: 01/23/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Iowa Department of Public Health and their partners worked to improve access to oral health care across the state.

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Gold Medal Schools

Program State: Utah
Objective(s): PA-3.1, PA-4.1, NWS-2.2, NWS-10.4 LHI, NWS-15.1 LHI
Date Posted: 09/08/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Utah Department of Health partnered with schools and local health departments to create healthier school environments and address childhood obesity.

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Eat Smart, Move More initiative

Program State: North Carolina
Topic Area(s): Physical Activity
Objective(s): PA-1, PA-2.4 LHI
Date Posted: 09/08/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the North Carolina Division of Public Health partnered with Wake County Human Services, North Carolina’s Eat Smart, Move More, and faith-based communities to address obesity and other chronic diseases among African Americans in Wake County, NC.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Let's Move! Rockbridge

Program State: Virginia
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Virginia organization that addressed community health by developing partnerships with local businesses, physicians, and schools to promote healthy behaviors in their community.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Eat Smart Move More South Carolina

Program State: South Carolina
Date Posted: 08/11/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how Eat Smart Move More Kershaw County and the City of Camden involved residents and worked to meet national Complete Streets standards to help Camden, SC become a safer and healthier community.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Program

Objective(s): NWS-9 LHI, PA-2.4 LHI
Date Posted: 11/16/2017

Across the United States, more than 1 in 3 adults have obesity—making it a serious and costly health issue.1 In the state of Delaware, obesity rates rose from 13% in 1992 to 28% in 2007.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) Texas

Program State: Texas
Objective(s): NWS-15.1 LHI
Date Posted: 05/29/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how The Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) Texas program improved health behavior among children through the promotion of physical activity and healthy food choices.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Peer Exercise Program Promotes Independence

Program State: Arkansas
Objective(s): OA-6
Date Posted: 08/11/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Arkansas Department of Health implemented an exercise program to help older adults lose weight, feel better, and reduce the impact of heart disease and stroke.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Communities Putting Prevention to Work / Healthy Eating Active Living

Program State: Washington
Objective(s): NWS-10.4 LHI
Date Posted: 11/19/2015
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Public Health-Seattle & King County worked to address childhood obesity in its community.
Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Sumter County on the Move!

Program State: South Carolina
Topic Area(s): Physical Activity
Objective(s): PA-2.4 LHI
Date Posted: 06/19/2014
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how University of South Carolina Prevention Research Center implemented Sumter County on the Move! to promote more adult physical activity in its community.
Organization Type:
Program Name:

Training and Experience to Advance Managers in Public Health Academy

Program State: Alabama
Objective(s): PHI-2
Date Posted: 08/11/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Alabama Department of Public Health partnered with Auburn University at Montgomery to create a department-wide workforce development program for its staff.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Asthma Series

Program State: New York
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a New York organization that effectively used technology and media to discuss childhood asthma.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Green Cleaning Workshops

Program State: Oregon
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at an Oregon organization that works to empower a Latino community with the skills to protect their environment and improve the health of their children.

Organization Type: Other
Program Name:

Children’s HealthWatch

Program State: Massachusetts
Objective(s): SDOH-4, AH-5.1 LHI
Date Posted: 07/23/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Children’s HealthWatch researched and analyzed issues related to housing and children’s health.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

First Things First (FTF) - Kansas City, Kansas School District

Program State: Kansas
Objective(s): AH-5.1 LHI
Date Posted: 09/20/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Kansas City, Kansas School District implemented a comprehensive school reform initiative, First Things First (FTF), to combat low graduation rates and to improve academic performance.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Green Family Foundation Neighborhood Health Education Learning Program (NeighborhoodHELP™)

Program State: Florida
Date Posted: 12/18/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine incorporated a social determinants of health approach into its medical school education.

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Mobile School Pantry Program

Program State: Utah
Objective(s): NWS-12, NWS-13, AH-5.1 LHI
Date Posted: 06/23/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Utah Food Bank works to address food insecurity and hunger among children in Utah.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol

Objective(s): SA-13.1 LHI, SA-2.1, SA-14.4
Date Posted: 04/20/2017

Underage alcohol use (also known as underage drinking) is a serious public health problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), young people abuse alcohol more than any other drug—and more than 4,300 young people die from alcohol-related causes each year.1

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Salem Healthy Kids 2012

Program State: Massachusetts
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a Massachusetts organization that empowered young people to use theater to educate their peers about healthy behaviors.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Pushback Against Drug Abuse

Program State: Wisconsin
Topic Area(s): Substance Abuse
Objective(s): SA-2, SA-13.1 LHI
Date Posted: 07/24/2014
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Marathon County Alcohol & Other Drug Partnership launched the Pushback Against Drug Abuse initiative to reduce drug and alcohol abuse in its community.
Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative

Topic Area(s): Substance Abuse
Objective(s): SA-13.1 LHI, SA-2.1, SA-2.2
Date Posted: 07/16/2018

Teen substance use can harm brain development and increase the risk of addiction later in life.1 Nationally, over 14% of U.S. teens use alcohol or drugs.2 In Washington State, the 2016 Healthy Youth Survey found that 20% of 10th grade students drink alcohol and 17% use marijuana—and these students report lower grades in school than students who don’t use those substances.3

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Driving While Intoxicated Prevention Program

Program State: New Mexico
Topic Area(s): Substance Abuse
Objective(s): SA-14.3 LHI
Date Posted: 04/18/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the New Mexico Department of Health implemented a prevention campaign against binge drinking and alcohol-impaired driving among adults in New Mexico.

Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Communities That Care (CTC) - Tooele, UT

Program State: Utah
Topic Area(s): Substance Abuse
Objective(s): SA-13.1 LHI
Date Posted: 10/24/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how Tooele City, UT implemented the Communities That Care (CTC) program to mobilize community engagement around youth substance abuse issues.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Barron Country Department of Health & Human Services

Program State: Wisconsin
Topic Area(s): Substance Abuse
Objective(s): SA-2.1, SA-13.1 LHI, SA-14
Date Posted: 05/27/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the Barron County Department of Health & Human Services partnered with Barron County Safe & Stable Families Coalition to address the problem of underage drinking in their community.

Organization Type: Other
Program Name:


Program State: Iowa
Topic Area(s): Substance Abuse
Objective(s): SA-2, SA-13.1 LHI
Date Posted: 06/18/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the PROSPER Network Organization, Partnerships in Prevention Science Institute worked to implement evidence-based school and family programs to address youth substance abuse.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Oregon Tobacco Prevention and Education Program (TPEP)

Program State: Oregon
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI
Date Posted: 11/20/2012

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Oregon Tobacco Prevention and Education Program addressed tobacco by using a statewide tobacco control program.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

State Government Agency - California Tobacco Control Program

Program State: California
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-1, TU-2, TU-11
Date Posted: 11/21/2013
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the California Tobacco Control Program implemented tobacco control policies throughout the state, resulting in decreased tobacco use and reduced secondhand smoke exposure.
Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

ClearWay Minnesota

Program State: Minnesota
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-11
Date Posted: 12/19/2013

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how ClearWay Minnesota collaborated with others, including the Minnesota Department of Health, to pass legislation that banned smoking in public places.

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

External Affairs / Tobacco Prevention Program

Program State: Illinois
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI, TU-4.1
Date Posted: 05/21/2015
In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Chicago Department of Public Health worked to reduce tobacco use among the LGBT communities in Chicago.
Organization Type: Educational Institution
Program Name:

Peers Helping Peers: Innovations in Tobacco Dependence Education and Intervention

Program State: New Jersey
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Date Posted: 03/29/2013

In this story from the field, we take a look at a New Jersey project that encouraged individuals to address high rates of smoking at mental health agencies.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program

Objective(s): TU-11.1 LHI, TU-13.10, MICH-1.8
Date Posted: 06/22/2017

Exposure to secondhand smoke causes significant health problems in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), secondhand smoke harms both children and adults—and the only way to completely protect people who don’t smoke is to eliminate smoking in all homes, work environments, and public places.1

Organization Type: Local Government Agency
Program Name:

Live Tobacco-Free Austin campaign

Program State: Texas
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI, TU-2.1, TU-11
Date Posted: 10/23/2014

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department implemented the Live Tobacco-Free Austin campaign to raise awareness about the burden of tobacco use, promote cessation services, and educate the public about the impact of secondhand smoke.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program

Program State: Massachusetts
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI, TU-2.2 LHI, TU-17
Date Posted: 10/20/2016

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program uses a comprehensive approach combining evidence-based policy and programs to address tobacco use across Massachusetts.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Breathe Easy Coalition of Maine

Program State: Maine
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-11.1 LHI, TU-11.2, TU-11.3, TU-13.10, TU-14
Date Posted: 12/17/2015

In this Who's Leading the Leading Health Indicators? story, we looked at how the Partnership For A Tobacco-Free Maine worked to promote tobacco-free living and reduce exposure to secondhand smoke across the state.

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Tobacco Prevention and Control Program

Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-11.1 LHI, TU-11.2
Date Posted: 04/19/2018

Exposure to secondhand smoke contributes to the deaths of 41,000 nonsmoking adults and 400 infants in the United States each year.1 Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at higher risk for serious health conditions, including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and respiratory diseases. Smoke-free environments are vital to children's health and well-being, yet close to 40% of U.S. children ages 3 to 11 are exposed to secondhand smoke.2

Organization Type: State Government Agency
Program Name:

Tobacco Prevention and Education Program

Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI, TU-2.2 LHI
Date Posted: 09/21/2017

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States—every year, it’s responsible for 480,000 deaths.1 While smoking is on the decline in the United States, more than 2,500 young people smoke their first cigarette each day.2 In fact, 9 in 10 adults who smoke say they tried their first cigarette before age 18; and nearly all tried their first cigarette by young adulthood.3

Organization Type:
Program Name:

Mothers Eliminating Secondhand Smoke (M.E.S.S.) program

Program State: South Carolina
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI, TU-4.1, TU-11
Date Posted: 09/08/2014

In this CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant success story, we looked at how the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s Region 7 Public Health Office partnered with a local nonprofit organization to implement a program that promotes tobacco-free policies in homes, vehicles, and faith-based settings.

Organization Type: Nonprofit/Community-Based Organization
Program Name:

Tobacco Prevention and Control

Program State: Minnesota
Topic Area(s): Tobacco Use
Objective(s): TU-1.1 LHI, TU-2.2 LHI
Date Posted: 03/19/2019

Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of disease in the United States. It causes more deaths than HIV, drug and alcohol misuse, motor vehicle accidents, suicide, and murder combined.1 In the state of Minnesota, smoking is responsible for more than $3 billion in annual health care costs and contributes to more than 6,000 deaths each year.2