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  • Arctic Code Vault Contributor

Popular repositories

  1. Forked from homeyer/gocodebot

    I'm a slack bot that helps Go Code Colorado teams get started with Waffle


  2. testy mctesterson

  3. Forked from CrestoneDigital/CartoDB-Translation

    Chrome extension to view CartoDB service (Beta Available now on Chrome Store)


  4. Jupyter Notebook(s) for tracking Colorado COVID stats

    Jupyter Notebook

  5. Forked from GSA/datagov-deploy-jenkins

    Ansible role to configure and deploy a Jenkins single-instance for continuous integration and deployment for the platform


1,665 contributions in the last year

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mon Wed Fri

Contribution activity

December 2020

Created a pull request in GSA/datagov-deploy that received 3 comments

Bug/fix smoke tracking

To get around #2485. Smoke test fails for tracking url on production, this changes to only test on production (and clean up a few variables).

+54 −41 3 comments
Opened 18 other pull requests in 8 repositories
3 merged 1 open 2 closed
4 merged
3 open
1 merged
1 merged
1 merged
1 merged
1 merged
Reviewed 43 pull requests in 20 repositories
GSA/datagov-deploy 13 pull requests
GSA/datagov-infrastructure-live 5 pull requests
GSA/ckanext-googleanalyticsbasic 2 pull requests
GSA/ 2 pull requests
GSA/project-open-data-dashboard 2 pull requests
GSA/datagov-infrastructure-modules 2 pull requests
GSA/ckanext-datagovtheme 2 pull requests
GSA/inventory-app 2 pull requests
GSA/ckanext-dcat_usmetadata 2 pull requests
GSA/sdg-indicators-usa 1 pull request
GSA/ 1 pull request
GSA/data-strategy 1 pull request
GSA/datagov-filestore-landing 1 pull request
GSA/catalog-app 1 pull request
GSA/pycsw 1 pull request
GSA/pysaml2 1 pull request
GSA/ckanext-geodatagov 1 pull request
GSA/USMetadata 1 pull request
GSA/ 1 pull request
GSA/datagov-deploy-solr 1 pull request

Created an issue in GSA/datagov-deploy that received 2 comments

Jenkins deployment fails for jenkins on 4.1.12

Deploying common playbook on Jenkins is failing for step 4.1.12. Not sure what is causing the break. Ansible logs of failure How to reproduce Run …


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