About us

In its 34 years of history, Banco do Brasil Foundation has guided its actions in pursuit of socio-productively including the most vulnerable segments of the society. This trajectory is marked by initiatives that generate income and work, preserve the environment and promote the education. The reach of its programs and projects, spread throughout Brazil, was strengthened by the articulation of partnerships and cooperation in the social investment.

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To accomplish our purpose, we are guided by values and principles that are fundamental for our operations. Through ethics and integrity as a foundation, social sensitivity with respect to diversity, social empowerment for sustainability, efficiency and innovation for inclusion and effectiveness for social and environmental transformation, we seek our vision of being recognized by society as a promoter and a multiplier of solutions for social and environmental transformation in Brazil.

Banco do Brasil Foundation´s social investment is directed to its actions in the urban and rural areas in two major themes:

We act in a contemporary, integrated and participative way with actions focused on citizenship, the environment and a sustainable future.

We act preserving the environment the in promoting the people´s resilience coping with the climate change through actions aimed at the social protagonism. We believe in our work, we take care of the people we believe in so that they can take care of the planet in which we live in.

Click here to see our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan (in Portuguese).




a) Permanent Members

  • André Guilherme Brandão - President of Banco do Brasil and chairman of the Board;
  • Asclepius Ramatiz Lopes Soares - President of Banco do Brasil Foundation;
  • Vacant position - Representative of the Minority Shareholders on the Board of Directors of Banco do Brasil.

b) Temporary Members

i – Public Sector
      • - Standing Member: Vacant position
        • - Alternate Member: Vacant position;
      • - Standing Member: Ênio Mathias Ferreira
        • - Alternate Member: Amauri Garcia Lellis Júnior;
      • - Standing Member: Mauro Biancamano Guimarães
        • - Alternate Member: José de Castro Barreto Júnior;
      • - Standing Member: Ana Cláudia Kakinoff Corrêa
        • - Alternate Member: Ana Maria Rodrigues Borro Macedo.

ii – Private Sector
    • - Standing Member: Frederico Guilherme Fernandes de Queiroz Filho
      • - Alternate Member: Marcelo Gonçalves Farinha;
    • - Standing Member: Sandra Santana Soares Costa
      • - Alternate Member: Lídia Freire Abdala Nery;
    • - Standing Member: Ilda Ribeiro Peliz
      • - Alternate Member: Rosa Maria Neumann;
    • - Standing Member: Marcelo Otávio Wagner
      • - Alternate Member: Vacant position.

II – Fiscal Board

  • - Standing Member: Alexandre Carneiro Cerqueira - Representative of Banco do Brasil and and Chairman of the Board;
    • - Alternate Member: Cláudia Ohtoshi Larrubia;
  • - Standing Member: Rogério Valsechy Karl - Representative of The Ministry of Economy;
    • - Alternate Member: Marcelo Kalume Reis;
  • - Standing Member: Wilsa Figueiredo - Representative of the minority Shareholders of Banco do Brasil;
    • - Alternate Member: Nilo José Panazzolo.
Managers of Banco do Brasil Foundation

Executive Board

Pepe 3x4

Asclepius Ramatiz Lopes Soares
Rogério Bressan Biruel
Executive Director
Executive Board for Social Development Management

Valter Coelho


Roberto Luiz Benkenstein
Executive Director
Executive Board for Human Resources, Comptroller and Logistics Management


Alírio Pereira Filho
Control and Risk Management

Allan Lopes Santos
Strategy and Governance Management

Ana Carolina Barchesi
Analysis and Evaluation Management

André Grangeiro Botelho
Monitoring Management

Edson Anelli
Finance and Controlling Management

Patricia Chaim
Communication Management

Erick Campos Nogueira
Information Technology Management

Fábio Marcelo Depiné
Payment and Hiring Management

Patrícia Lustosa Borges de Lima Vieira
Human Resources and Infrastructure Management

Rodrigo Octávio Lopes Neves
Portfolio Management

Compliance with laws and regulations, external or internal, is the responsibility of management and supervisory bodies, managers and employees in all instances of Banco do Brasil Foundation.

Management Policies and Guidelines, the Code of Ethics of the Employees of Banco do Brasil and the Charter of Conduct of the Organization are used as references in guiding the principles that permeate the conduct of the employees of BB Foundation.

The Institution has always sought to guide its performance in the best practices by including policies that clearly establish limits and lines of operation, such as the Information Security Policy, the Business Continuity Policy and the Investment Policy.

BB Foundation participates with the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) and the Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies (GIFE) in formulating the "Guide to Best Governance Practices for Foundations and Business Institutes", a publication aimed at social investment agents that sets the standards of fairness, transparency, accountability and responsability.

FBB's governance structure seeks to ensure the appropriate division of operational and management responsibilities among its board of directors and audit committee.

  • Board of Curators - is the superior body for deliberation and strategic orientation of the Institution.
  • Fiscal Board - is the supervisory body for the acts of management of the administrators and activities of BB Foundation.
  • Executive Board - is the body responsible for the administration of FBB and compliance with the Bylaws, with permanent action, coordinating and implementing the decisions of the Board of Trustees and other matters of the Organization, as well as taking care of the integration and articulation between the Boards.

Decisions, at any level of the Organization, are taken collectively. In order to involve all managers in defining strategies and operations, the Executive Board uses internal committees that guarantee agility, quality and safety for decision making.

Banco do Brasil Foundation has an Investment Committee to manage the investment strategies for the Institution.. Its purpose is to indicate the Board of Trustees strategies in investing in financial assets through a specific policy.
