New Guidance Posted

Last week, our office released two NARA Bulletins for Federal agencies. The first, NARA Bulletin 2020-01, is the guidance answering common questions and providing clarifications to the OMB/NARA Memorandum M-19-21: Transition to Electronic Records. This Bulletin is the additional guidance required by the Memorandum.  We have received many questions from agencies, including general questions, exception … Continue reading New Guidance Posted

Current Operating Status

During the current public health national emergency, the Office of the Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government remains ‘virtually’ open. All staff are 100% teleworking and our office is available to respond to questions or concerns. If you are unsure who to contact, our website contains a list of various email addresses. While we are … Continue reading Current Operating Status

Opportunity for Comment: Draft Training Bulletin

We are requesting comments on a draft Bulletin entitled “Agency Records Management Training Requirements.” The draft is available here. We anticipate releasing this Bulletin later this year. It was developed to support  the July release of OMB Circular A-130, as well as current laws and Directives governing Federal records management programs. This Bulletin will specify … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: Draft Training Bulletin

Expiration Date Bulletin Released

We have released NARA Bulletin 2016-01: Guidance on NARA Bulletin Expiration Dates. This administrative bulletin announces a change to our policy regarding the expiration date of bulletins. Every bulletin used to have an expiration date of three years. We would regularly review the bulletins to determine whether the policies were still relevant, accurate, and useful. Then, we would … Continue reading Expiration Date Bulletin Released

New NARA Bulletin on Digital Identity Authentication Records

We are pleased to announce the issuance of NARA Bulletin 2015-03 Guidance on Managing Digital Identity Authentication Records. This Bulletin provides guidance to agencies on managing digital identity authentication related transactional records, such as digital certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) files, created or used in the course of agency business. It supersedes our earlier records management guidance … Continue reading New NARA Bulletin on Digital Identity Authentication Records

Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-02: Guidance on Managing Electronic Messages

We are pleased to announce the issuance of NARA Bulletin 2015-02, Guidance on Managing Electronic Messages. This Bulletin applies to text messaging, chat/instant messaging, messaging functionality in social media tools or apps, voice messaging, and similar forms of electronic messaging systems. The Bulletin addresses the new definition for electronic messages and other issues covered in … Continue reading Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-02: Guidance on Managing Electronic Messages

Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-01

NARA is pleased to announce that we have issued NARA Bulletin 2015-01, Determining the Appropriate Age for Scheduling the Legal Transfer of Permanent Records to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). This Bulletin clarifies the appropriate age at which permanent records, regardless of their media or format, should be transferred into NARA’s legal custody. … Continue reading Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-01

Opportunity for Comment: Managing Digital Identity Authentication Records

We are requesting comments on a draft NARA Bulletin entitled “Guidance on Managing Digital Identity Authentication Records." The draft is available here (.pdf). This draft Bulletin will provide guidance on the records management requirements related to digital identification records. Specifically, this guidance will provide guidance on managing digital identity authentication-related transactional records, such as digital certificates … Continue reading Opportunity for Comment: Managing Digital Identity Authentication Records

Release of NARA Bulletin 2014-05: Guidance on NARA-Created Transfer Requests

We have issued NARA Bulletin 2014-05, NARA-Created Transfer Records to agencies this afternoon.This Bulletin establishes a time period for agencies to take action on NARA-created Transfer Requests (TR) in the Electronic Records Archives (ERA). NARA typically creates TRs for permanent records located in Federal Records Centers and are eligible for legal transfer as a convenience for agencies. … Continue reading Release of NARA Bulletin 2014-05: Guidance on NARA-Created Transfer Requests