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Today in Energy

September 2012

September 28, 2012

Increases in oil prices affect broader measures of inflation

September 27, 2012

Iraqi crude oil production approaching highest level in decades

September 26, 2012

Attributes of crude oil at U.S. refineries vary by region

September 25, 2012

Industries consumed more than 30% of U.S. energy in 2011

September 24, 2012

EIA improves its monthly propane imports series

September 21, 2012

Economic growth continues to drive China's growing need for energy

September 20, 2012

Central Appalachian (CAPP) coal spot prices affect markets for coal and electric power

September 19, 2012

Trading Point: Central Appalachian (CAPP) is the nation's benchmark price for eastern coal

September 18, 2012

More recycling raises average energy content of waste used to generate electricity

September 17, 2012

Municipal solid waste plants convert garbage to electricity

September 14, 2012

Projected Alaska North Slope oil production at risk beyond 2025 if oil prices drop sharply

September 13, 2012

EIA survey shows Gulf Coast plants recovering from hurricane outages

September 12, 2012

Working natural gas storage capacity grows 3% year-over-year

September 11, 2012

Pad drilling and rig mobility lead to more efficient drilling

September 10, 2012

Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions down in 2011

September 7, 2012

Natural gas demand at power plants was high in summer 2012

September 6, 2012

NRG-GenOn acquisition plan would create the largest independent power producer

September 5, 2012

Strait of Hormuz is chokepoint for 20% of world’s oil

September 4, 2012

Electric grid operators monitoring drought conditions

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