

Acting Inspector General Testifies On Household Goods Moving Fraud

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On May 4, the Acting Inspector General testified before the Senate Commerce Surface Transportation Subcommittee regarding OIG investigations of household goods moving fraud. He discussed OIG investigations that have led to the prosecution of 25 household goods carriers (many operating under multiple names), along with their officers and employees, for allegedly defrauding about 8,000 victims nationwide since 2000. He also gave examples of the types of schemes used to hold goods hostage, as well as the impact on victims.

His testimony noted that FMCSA has increased the attention it pays to household goods enforcement and outreach and recommended three near term actions for the agency. These included: (1) meeting public access requirements for complaint data, (2) ensuring states enforce operating authority rules against unregistered household goods carriers, and (3) taking more action to implement the SAFETEA-LU provision which allows states to enforce Federal consumer protection provisions.