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WASHINGTON, July 22, 2019 – A new online tool can help farmers and ranchers find information on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) farm loans that may best fit their operations. USDA has launched the new Farm Loan Discovery Tool as the newest feature on, the Department’s self-service website for farmers.


Welcome to the Iowa Farm Service Agency!
Call or write to us at:

United States Department of Agriculture
Farm Service Agency
10500 Buena Vista Court
Des Moines, IA 50322

Phone: 515-254-1540
Fax: 1-855-218-8672

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2

Are you a farmer or rancher whose operation has been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic? USDA is implementing Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 for agricultural producers who continue to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19.

Farm Service Agency will accept CFAP 2 applications from September 21 through December 11, 2020.

A call center will be available for producers who would like additional one-on-one support with the CFAP 2 application process. Please call 877-508-8364 to speak directly with a USDA employee ready to offer assistance. To find the latest information on CFAP 2, including forms and the contact information for your local Service Center, visit

Coronavirus and USDA Service Centers

USDA Service Centers in Iowa will continue to be open for business by phone appointment only and field work will continue with appropriate social distancing. While our program delivery staff will continue to come into the office, they will be working with our producers by phone, and using online tools whenever possible. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with FSA are required to call their Service Center to schedule a phone appointment. In the event a Service Center is not currently available to serve customers on location, producers can receive assistance from the closest alternate Service Center by phone. Learn more at

Current News Releases

Iowa Drought Information

  • Did you notify FSA prior to conducting land clearing or drainage projects to ensure compliance?
  • Reports of Failed Acreage must be filed with the County Office before disposition of the crop.
  • Reports of Prevented Planting Acreage must be filed within the County Office no later than 15 calendar days after the final planting date for that county.
  • Report of Notice of Loss for crops covered under the NAP program.
  • Notification of Livestock Loss for Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) – 30 calendar days of when the loss became apparent.
  • Notification of Loss for Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm Raised Fish Program (ELAP) – 30 calendar days of when the loss became apparent.
  • Notification of Noninsured Crop Disaster Program loss – 15 calendar days of when the loss became apparent (72 hours if the crop is hand harvested).
  • Tree Assistance Program application deadline – 90 calendar days after the disaster event of when the loss first became apparent to the producer.