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Notations I

unit matrix; Common Notations and Definitions
imaginary part; (1.9.2)
imaginary unit; (1.9.1)
I α
fractional integral; (1.15.47)
I ( m )
general elliptic integral; §19.29(ii)
I ~ ν ( x )
modified Bessel function of the first kind of imaginary order; (10.45.2)
I ν ( z )
modified Bessel function of the first kind; (10.25.2)
i n ( 1 ) ( z )
modified spherical Bessel function; (10.47.7)
i n ( 2 ) ( z )
modified spherical Bessel function; (10.47.8)
I x ( a , b )
incomplete beta function; (8.17.2)
I ( a , b , x ) = I x ( a , b )
notation used by Magnus et al. (1966); §8.1
(with Ix(a,b): incomplete beta function)
idem ( χ 1 ; χ 2 , , χ n )
idem function; §17.1
Ie n ( z , h )
modified Mathieu function; (28.20.17)
i n erfc ( z )
repeated integrals of the complementary error function; (7.18.2)
in n ( z , q ) = fe n ( z , q )
notation used by Campbell (1955); §28.1
(with fen(z,q): second solution, Mathieu’s equation)
greatest lower bound (infimum); Common Notations and Definitions
inh n ( z , q ) = Fe n ( z , q )
notation used by Campbell (1955); §28.1
(with Fen(z,q): modified Mathieu function)
inversion number; §26.14(i)
inverf x
inverse error function; (7.17.1)
inverfc x
inverse complementary error function; (7.17.1)
Io n ( z , h )
modified Mathieu function; (28.20.18)