Structure and Organization

Structure and Organization

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the Farm Service Agency is laid out by Congress and overseen by the Secretary of Agriculture. The FSA administrator reports to an undersecretary of agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC).

The national farm program and farm loan program development and oversight functions are managed in Washington, D.C. Computational and statistical work is done in Kansas City. Implementation of farm policy through FSA programs is the responsibility of state and field offices based in counties and U.S. territories.

Headquarters Delegation of Authority: Administrator
  • Associate Administrator
  • Deputy Administrators (three)
  • Division Directors within different Programs and Operations
  • Branch Chiefs
  • Section Chiefs
  • Managers
Field Delegation of Authority: State Executive Director (SED)
  • State Committee
  • County Executive Director (CED)
  • County Committee (CC)

FSA Headquarters Organizational Chart