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Types of Research Training and Career Development Funding Opportunities

The NIDCD’s research training and career development opportunities fall into two broad categories:

  • Extramural support for research training and career development at institutions throughout the U.S. These include individual fellowships, institutional awards, career development awards, and other opportunities. For details on how to apply for extramural research training and career development funding and how a grant travels from application to award, please see the NIDCD's resource page on How to Apply for a Grant, Research Training, or Career Development Funding. Contact: Alberto Rivera-Rentas, Ph.D., extramural research training officer.
  • Intramural opportunities at NIDCD labs on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. Contact: Elyssa Monzack, Ph.D., intramural chief of staff.

Extramural applicants should email Alberto Rivera-Rentas, Ph.D., extramural research training officer, with any questions. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Rivera-Rentas before preparing an application. Include a biosketch in NIH format along with a brief description of the project, including the aims (1 page), the population that will be studied (as applicable), and the name of your mentor(s). In addition, applicants must include a statement on how the proposed project fits our strategic plan and our research areas, and how the project will contribute to our mission. After the NIDCD evaluates the information provided, applicants will be informed if the project fits NIDCD requirements and will be accepted through the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) process.

Intramural applicants (those interested in working on the NIH campus) should email Elyssa Monzack, Ph.D., intramural chief of staff, with any questions.

Eligibility by Education Level

High School/ Undergraduate Graduate/ Predoctoral Postdoctoral New and Junior Investigators Established Investigators
Individual Research Training Fellowships
Research Career Development Opportunities

Loan Repayment Programs


Research Opportunities to Promote Diversity


Last Updated Date: 
October 7, 2020