Protective Security Advisors

The Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Infrastructure Security Division operates the Protective Security Advisor (PSA) Program. PSAs are trained critical infrastructure protection and vulnerability mitigation subject matter experts who facilitate local field activities in coordination with other Department of Homeland Security offices. They also advise and assist state, local, and private sector officials and critical infrastructure facility owners and operators.

What Is the PSA Program?

The PSA Program’s primary mission is to proactively engage with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government mission partners and members of the private sector stakeholder community to protect critical infrastructure through five mission areas:

During incidents, PSAs serve as the infrastructure liaisons at the Federal Emergency Management Agency Joint Field Offices, Regional Coordination Centers, and state and county emergency operations centers.

PSAs also conduct joint site visits and vulnerability assessments of critical infrastructure assets with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They work with the United States Secret Service to provide vulnerability assessments, security planning, and coordination during NSSEs and other large-scale special events.

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