Federal Housing Finance Agency Print


Shawn Bucholtz

Chief Data Officer

Senior Associate Director


Home / Data & Tools / Developer

Developer Information


FHFA is building out different ways to access our public datasets as part of an open effort to increase accessibility, delivery, and use of our digital products.

We invite comments from the normal data users, analysts, developers, etc. Specifically, we are interested in knowing what kinds of data formats are most useful for direct download and whether certain APIs would improve the user experience.

We encourage the public to utilize the data in new, innovative ways and kindly request a simple attribution, like "Source: FHFA". If you use our data to make a cool infographic, website, or mobile app, please let us know! 

FHFA Datasets on Data.gov

Data Sets on FHFA.gov 

FHFA Tools (utilizing FHFA data)

Feedback can be sent via the Data and Research Contact page.

© 2020 Federal Housing Finance Agency