Statement by Ambassador Andrew Bremberg on the Human Rights Council Urgent Debate on Belarus

Ambassador Andrew Bremberg
Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva

Geneva,September 18, 2020

As the Human Rights Council rightly turned its attention to Belarus today, the United States stands in solidarity with the Belarusian people and their aspirations to exercise their democratic right to elect the leader of their choice, free from external intervention.  We remain deeply concerned by the fraudulent presidential election on August 9 in Belarus, and over reports of violence against peaceful protesters and journalists, including arbitrary arrests and the abuse of detainees.  We call on Belarusian authorities to end the violence against their own people, immediately release all those who have been unjustly detained, including U.S. citizen Vitali Shkliarov, and engage in meaningful dialogue with representatives of Belarusian society.